I'd like to meet:
WHAT DO I LIIIIKE?-boys who play hard to get
-shy boys
-not over sexual guys
-guys who aren't into hard drugs
-boys who aren't afraid to hold my hand in public
-dancing in public
-surprisesWhat DON'T i like?-People who don't know the time and aplce to use drugs
-Heavy drug use
-Substance abuse
-Laughing at someone for being different
-talking shit to someone, when they don't know the person
-hating someone for something someone else says
Status: Single
Orientation: Gay
Hometown: Thornhill
Body type: 2cm
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Children: I don't want kids
16 years old
Toronto/Thornhill, Ontario
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Basically this is how it works. I like you, regardless of who or what you are, until you do or say something to make me dislike you.
I am myself, I can be no other. And I don't see why you should be either. I may test outs styles, and words and phrases, but in the end I am me. I'll do what I like, and I'll see what I do, but in the end I am me. So don't go changing, because others say, in the end you'll regret that day.
Always be yourself, stay true to your morals, and true to your friends. And always remember, if you can do something to help someone, you damn well do it.
ALSO I started the Chortle Rose Foundation. I want to save up a certain amount of money each month, through donations, and work, and then buy a single rose for those underappreciated people. You know, the kid in school no one talks to, the girl who has been working at Mcdonalds for 3 years, is 20 and has 2 kids. Those people who were forgotten, or simply overlooked. If you are interested in donating, or doing this yourself, please contact me?
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MONTANA. Sarah. Erin W. Erin B. Dena. Steph. Marissa. Dylan. Zach. Devon. Shiri. 3 These are some of my heroes. You want in, you better deserve it.....