My life has been one of dramatic evolution.
I feel that some of my greatest assets lie within my virtue, my ideals and my vision.
Which, I feel, if given the right situation, I can and will, inspire others to dream, and dream big.
I have a natural talent of being able to collect the "natural forces", to bring together, the elements of success, which are: people, ideas, and resources.
LIFE is a Self-FulFilling Prophecy and YOU are the Prophet!
I believe that this ability will enable me to actualize my immense, if not seemingly impossible, dreams & goals.
I have been able to integrate a couple of interesting, yet conflicting characteristics about myself; inspiring vision and my natural tendency towards practicality.
I have developed a talent that allows me to deal effectively with a great variety of people.
This also allows me to understand and unite people of differing mentalities', towards singular goals.
My goal in life is simple; to unite my dreams with a realistic bottom line.
I really feel as though, I am a visionary with my feet planted firmly on the ground.
I have a natural ability that makes me somehow good at business and politics.
I feel that I naturally understand large institutions, and have the ability to think and act on an international scale.
I also feel that I have been given a natural gift of uncommonly, sound, common sense.
I'm able to see the beauty and potential in any given idea, but also, the practical methods that will bring it to fruition.
Somehow, I'm seem to understand the real world limitations of ideas, what may work, and what may not.
This seems to be a gift of intuition that I can allows use to evaluate the possibilities of a situation based on their practicality.
I do have great ambition, which can be very difficult master. (I.e. Stubbornness)
However, it is the force that I credit to driving me to accomplish all that I'm capable of.
I have been told that I offer very sound advice and consistent emotional support to my friends and family.
I'm very unconventional in thought and action.
One of my greatest challenges in life and success will be in my ability to share my vision with others, while accepting their help. This requires flexibility on my part, which is perhaps one of my weakest characteristics. Because I often lack faith, in the ability of others. Therefore, I do have a tendency to control people and situations.
I must learn to surrender to the larger cause that I serve.
However, I feel that with faith and commitment, I will be able to make an enduring impact on the world.
I was born under one of the most powerful and potentially the most successful of all Life path numbers. According to numerology, 22 is one of the most promising numbers. However, it is also one of the most difficult to live up to. Being born under this number offers me the potential to be what is referred to as a Master Builder, which is a person capable doing something great, as well as, manifesting it in the world.
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.