lila, rocco, books, old stuff, new stuff, strange stuff, grooves, jams, laughing, bass players ;), the red sox, the patriots, smells, outdoors, new england, learning, colors, breathing....
href="" target="_blank"WHO I WANT TO SEE AGAIN......FOREVER THE MIGHTYalmost everyone......i wish jaco was alive.....pretty much anyone i would like to meet is dead so i guess i will have to wait but if Taylor Mali walked by me i would say hi....if i could talk that is
the one and only.....pure genius...perfection....HEY WATCH THIS AND YOU WILL BE ENLIGHTENED AND A MORE CLEVER INDIVIDUAL....
by good writers with good directors and excellent cinematographers.......but i will list my top 3.... 1. O Brother Where Art Thou 2. Midnight In The Garden Of Good & Evil...(yes i know its a book) 3. Virgin Suicides
eh former tv on the wagon BUT i am the remote holder... .. a href="" target
again to many to list i love to read so again i will go with my top 3 in no particular order and may be subject to change 1. Midnight In The Garden Of Good & Evil 2. The Giving Tree...dr suess rox even for grown-ups 3. A Tree Grows In Brooklyn
stan lee......well it fits the catagory the way i have a really fucked up sense of humor really dry and really weird