Well, where do I start! I am a Cornish girl born and bread and have lived in the same house my whole life, in a lovely place near Redruth! Nearest neighbours being 1/2 mile away, so I can be as noisy as I want - something that I'm good at, as you all know! I attended the lovely Falmouth Univeristy with lots of lovely people (hello to you all)! I am now currently employed by BBC Radio Cornwall as a Broadcast Assistant, which I am loving as I've been on air a few times now as a sidekick to one of the presenters - coolio hey! Unfortuantly, well kind of, I have to leave this job, as I am off travelling on the 1st October around the world baby! I am so excited, as I've only got a few weeks left and then I'll be boarding a plane to Shanghai in China - the first destination of many on my big trip! Then it's onto Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand and then after that I am undecided! Going for at least a year and a half, so it's a long one - woo hoo! Once back I want to further my career in radio or television - fingers crossed! Well, that's a wrap! x%D%A %D%A %D%A Myspace Layouts + Myspace Graphics %D%A %D%A%D%A What Disney Princess are you?
You are the most kindest humblest person anyone will ever meat. With the heart of an angel and super intelligence you are willing to help anyone. You can..'t hold a grudge, it isn..'t in your personality, instead you have a very forgiving personality.
Take this test %D%A%D%A What type of person are you?
You are a loving person
You seem to always be caring and considerite, you may get mad and upset a lot but that doesen..'t stop you from being sweet
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