Everything that challenges my intellect, while making me laugh.
Anybody and everybody that challenges my intellect while stimulating my perceptive qualities.
When it comes to music, I match my mindset to the music. It varies from Jazz, Rock, R&B, even a very brief moment of classical. Stephen Lynch's Facial Gestures completey mimic his brilliant lyrics. 2nd He definately can carry a tune. 3rd. His brilliant routine Exceeded even my Expectations.
Definately Comedy. By far the more laughter provoked, the better the movie. Jim Carrey, Will Ferrell,
Seinfeld Fanatic. 24, Boston Legal, Prison Break, Monk, Psych, CSI, Law & Order, Vegas.
Davinci Code. I only read when I am being Certified or Extreme Circumstances. Don't be mislead by me not reading. I am very visual. I do more research online then professional readers. I just like to expand on my visual simulations.
I would have to say my 3 sons. Every time my life stems off it's course. It is the inspiration of my 3 sons, that make me want to be a better man & especially a Great Dad. So thank you..Joshua, Jarod, & Alex, for being my Super Hero