Music, reading.
Tom Waits, Jack Nicholson, David Lynch.
The Beatles, 50's Rockabilly, 60's ska, west African guitar, White Stripes, Tom Waits, British invasion groups.
Wizard of Oz, any Marx Brothers, Lord of the Rings, any summer-released superhero movie!
Curb Your Enthusiasm, Futurama, Simpsons, Mr. Show, Seinfeld, Twin Peaks, Earl, the Office, T&EASGJ.
In no particular order: Love in the Time of Cholera by Marquez, Confederacy of Dunces by Toole (the true measure of a reader's sense of humor, I only recommend this to VIP's), A Year with Swollen Appendices by Brian Eno (journal keeping the old-fashioned way, pre-blogging!), The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann, Sherlock Holmes stories by Doyle, Jeeves series by P. G. Wodehouse, Gentleman bookseller series by D. "Gunslinger" Schwent (Read it, hell, I've lived it!), Here There and Everywhere by Geoff Emerick (great Beatles book), Geek Love by Katherine Dunn (should've won the National Book Award), Pulps (The Shadow, Doc Savage, Fu Manchu), People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn (pick up and put down at various times), classic literature, Tolkien, Michael Moorcock, Fritz Leiber, many more.
Groucho Marx, Harry Houdini, Orson Welles, David Lynch, W. C. Fields, Ry Cooder, KFG, the 3 MEG's.