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Rod Dizzle

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On Sunday, May 18, 2008, God the Father came upon me and gave me a message to deliver to California and the world. He kept me up all night till dawn, writing his message. It's taken me this long to type it up and figure out its form. In the end, 3 poems emerged. I offer them to you even though I will be persecuted and hated for what they have to say. But I don't care because the God of all creation told me to do this and I'm gonna do it.Before my critics rise up against me, know that what God says in this message is not always chronological and may seem contradictory at times, but please know that it is Him - the Great I Am. Please hear his warning. Please understand how much he loves you. He burdens me with this task and all of the persecution I will suffer because of it, all to save you! So please accept Jesus as Lord of your life (it's the only way to stop God the father from destroying the world). And I know he doesn't want to destroy the world because he made me read the story of Jonah in the Holy Bible and Jonah saved Ninevah when he gave them God's message. I can only hope that this message will work just as well.The 3 poems are "The World's Song," "You Are Dust," and "A Song For Rodney." He told me to show them all to you, even though they betray secrets I'd hope to take to the grave. In his infinite wisdom, he knows all 3 poems will make an impact.I love you all so much now that I see you through His eyes!

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YOU ARE DUSTArtists are prophets, Whether false or true. Many work for the devil. Few follow God.This world will cease to exist. They do not know their fate.I made them from the dust, To show their inferiority. They deny me utterly. I permit it for many ages. But forever, I could never give them; For my children they torment.My Son I gave to them. I let him die for them. I subjected Him to horrible things, Because I loved them. I love them so much! But their loyalty is to wickedness. The only thing I can tell them, Is my grace is almost spent.I Am Coming Back Through My Son!(We deny you Jesus! We must stop denying you! You are coming back to save.)I AM coming for my children, That you are persecuting.I hear this black man’s cry, He is very close to me. He seeks my council, On everything.He acknowledges my wonders and signs, He listens to my voice.Listen to My Voice, I am not pleased with this world. They don’t know, what they are doing They hate me and despise my Son: I created them from the dust, And showed them, their inferiority.I gave My Son for them, And they hated Him. The plan did not intend for all of your anger; You did that because you truly hate me.Yet still I give you time, I show you your mortality In every sign and wonder: Your oil dryeth up, I knew your minds would hear it.I am unpleased with you, Who deny my son’s humility. He was king of everything. He was water in my throne.You are three parts: Body, Mind and Soul. Your spirit I breathed in you. You are always a part of me.And that’s why you are restless. The dust you are, crumbles; Your garden chocked with weeds.Yet still, you believe The Deceiver; Who tells you: you are a god. You trembled at great heights when you believed me; Now your lies have grown exponentially.You travel the heavens: I made your minds, With plenty of space between you and me. That, even your science acknowledges.You cannot reach me. You are a Great Fool.You turn my boys on themselves, They don’t see their women. You cause my daughters to stretch themselves, In ways I’d never imagined.You were not made for that. You defile me with every breath, Then you hate me when, Your lies, I reveal their trickery to you.You are a child of God: You’ll never be fulfilled. You meditate on wicked voices, Then blame me for their lies.I love you So much: I show you a man you know is favored by the God you despise.(They don’t hate me because I’m black; They hate me because I’m a believer).They’re drawn, to that light within; They ponder what it means. When it’s revealed to them, they quiver.I am the same, now and forever, They think their Age is pleasure; They are worse off than they have ever been. For other Ages, gave I not Him to them.My wrath is nearly kindled, Beyond its Holiness.You, do not test me. You are dust.I do my wonders, when I please; You’ve exhausted that reserve.Your flesh pushes back on you, When you obey me. The Liar, he confuses you: With a sleight of hand, He thimblerigs you You lose, much more than a million dollars!I gave My Son to them. They exceeded my divine expectations.They love the lie, And hate the truth. They shun me, Like they shun each other; Ignoring, my very existence.I show them wonders They can’t escape. They think I’m lying, But I’m no man.My Voice, is fire and brimstone. I phrase in thunder. I AM That Truth They dread within.Deny iPod: I AM So why would you drown me out? Run interference?You are Dust. You don’t have time. This Age is ending. The Hour draws near,The Quake Is In The Wake.When my children are buried Beneath the stench of your lawlessness, I will not hear their prayers for mercy.Then, I will destroy you, And save My Few. Your stench has risen To a point where I cannot breathe.If a garbage, you obliged Till it overflowed; How long till you cannot breathe, For gagging on its evil; And rendered useless For your depression? I created you: We share that way.So I’m again using An unlikely leader To show My Way. The things you value Are nothing to me.I made your unreachable space: You marvel at my hasted work. I spent more time on man Than any of my creations.I love you so much! You’ll never know. You are dust. Remember this.You try to warn them And yet again they exceed my expectations: (I did not ponder Their capabilities for darkness).That they are brilliant Is a reflection of me. I made your brilliance: I play with it.I love the witness! He prolongs my grace. But on The Day of Reckoning He will sift My Children. And divide them thence: For him and Me. I’ll bind them together In their wickedness.See, they wonder why this God Permits their hiss. But you know why: There will be no way from this.For I am not a man That I should lie. My word is Truth. My Love is real. And loving thus I can’t ignore The cries of My Children Who you despise Because of me.It is one matter To refuse to carry a heavy burden; It’s another entirely To hate The Truth.Your pride, you worship, Day and night. The Beast has utterly Fooled you: You are his jailer!He tells you contradictions: You ignore the bars For the apple he dangles Near his eyes (They are so terrible, You blink and miss). And focus your eyes Instead on his Lie And become a living zombie.But once he has you, He will discard you: It is I who meditates on you Day and night.I know no rest. I created dust, Many parts removed. I care only for your souls.I love you too much To let you go.Now there are some Who will denounce this vessel’s message. They will say, “Father, He cannot write.” Just as the perpetrator They let escape; So will they be fooled With ink and trees.Because they think themselves so smart, They are made worse than fools.For even fools Know their plight And recognize Their need for Life.The fools, to them, Are the thirsty: Their guts will burst And give way to golden viscera, Time can’t corrupt.But the rejecters, Lay with fever And say they are well.When I took your sin upon me, I felt despair unknown. Your little mind Cannot fathom what I truly am.I AM so great, You can scarcely believe it. Which is why I send my prophets; So the world will understand My True Nature.I AM in that closet that you weep in. I AM in that car when you talk to yourself. I AM showing you the signs:Everything you need, dries up; You contract strange, immaculately conceived diseases; You search for answers And find a galaxy of questions.Which leads you back To the mark you started from; And that’s the realization That you are dust.Even you science, validates this.The earthquake you’ve prophesied Is not for California; It is for the world.My wrath is teeming; It runneth over And threatens my Holy Place.I AM Holy. I will not permit even my wrath To stench my castle in the sky. It is beyond the gates And at your doorstep.I AM God. Do not deny me.The world will end, Sooner not later. I said no man knows the hour But I love you too much Not to warn you.I am soon to return: Accept My Son!If you listen to your conscience More oft than not, Your life would be transformed; Your misery a distant voice.For he accuses Even they who serve him. His only desire Is to kill from me.He shares That way with you: Having been deceived in his own mind, He turned against the truth.Now he seeks to hurt me; He knows how much I love you. He persecutes me daily Because I refuse to give up on you.I AM Wisdom. A puzzle, I do not know. I know that good Triumphs evildom.He is a small being: Many will be dismayed; A pitiful fiend hath deceived the world.They paint him great; They honor, even in their thoughts.But the only thing That makes him great Is his knowledge of how much I love you.That’s what gives him strength. That’s what gives him size. He is no bigger than you: Your giants, he abhorred; Even his own wicked seed.He hates everyone And gets them to do in kind.So know that I love you: That truth will set you free.You are dust.You trample my pearls. Death will be your life; And lies your truth; Darkness your light.Your place in Hell Prepared for you. For there your servants Are maggots and vermin, And even they taunt you.For verily I say to you That every sin Committed by man since Adam Will never die.Rather, be bound to Hell; The key destroyed, The fiercest sentry Ever known.I made Him for This very purpose. So think not that all things Of this world will pass away.You are existence: I gave you wills And intellect To fill the world.But you use it instead For spreading lies; Just like the lie Of your wicked age:That with death, sleeping Will become a sport. But I assure you Slumber is not an end.For verily I say to you: In Hell, the lie will never die; The depression ceaseless, With no flesh to distract Your mind from your soul;You will be swallowed whole, Many of you will never see him, He’ll hide from you: His pride so utter He cannot face you,And you’ll live in his kingdom Of darkness and The Great Lie, And never see your Svengali Death.You see, my Word is Truth. And Truth never dies. My Holy Truths Will be your tormentors.And all in Hell will speak Of The Great Deception, Then they will weep And gnash their teeth.And I allow it, Because I showed them My Truth, Yes, everyone of them Will recall My Voice.And when I cast them Into the pit of evil, I will remind them They rejected me.I made the ultimate sacrifice Through My Son, And by adding Him, They accepted me;But little do they know, It would be better for them That they were never created:For rejecting My Son Who loved thee… Who taught thee… Who showed thee… Who blessed thee… Who forgave thee!You spit in his face; You curse his children; You despise His Name And use it for floss: To free the rotten buildup From your mouth.But there will come a day When All know Him: The name of Jesus Is beyond even me.I treat him delicately; I hear his prayers; If He will save, You are mine.But even I, Being the Father in Heaven, Revere his name: I scarcely utter it.So when you curse this Holy Name Your reward is just: In the tortures of Hell You are made perfect.The homosexuals are my children. I love them too. Like me, they are persecuted By hypocrites.But they earn my wrath In their prideful state Because they get enjoyment Like no other place.But they are foolish To think their dust a god: They worship the crumbling ruins Of my masterwork.When David loved Jonathan, It was not this way; But David had women Of every variety;To the result of dimness Of the heart. Among hundreds of women, He loved no one.So I sent him Jonathan To show him My Love. David and Jonathan Are a picture of you and me:I am the rightful heir, I give up my throne to you.For a time is drawing near, When all will be poor. A Great Equalizer To show them their delay.For rich and poor Will know hunger And the world will be given over To divers evils.Political elections Will be for naught: No mere man Can undo this evil.For even My Son, Who is worth all of you, Including Adam, Could only reach them But for a moment.And that moment Lasted for two millennia, But now it is time For The Great Reckoning.For this world is evil, It worships money; For I did not invent this wicked symbol: It is one of the greatest works of The Enemy;Making for an idol, exchangeable, For fruitless things.Their greed for money Outweighs all things; And California is King: They blast their signals even into My Court;And doing so, They corrupt many, Who follow suit. Their reward in Hell is just due.

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THE WORLD’S SONGThis man Belongs to God; If this is God, I am dead.I refuse to believe I’m a demon, When I do wicked things.(You are going to send an earthquake.)


A SONG FOR RODNEYYou are a Great Man. You are a Prophet. Your purpose in life is to write, And spread the Lord’s Gospel, In cinematic movies.Don’t take what people say, To value in your life. Let the Lord’s Holy Word, Be first in your life.You are a Great Man. Base everything on where you are right now, In knowing, these positive thoughtsYou Are A Prophet! Spread God’s Word, and He will make you a King.If the world rises against you, Don’t count it to God! He had nothing to do with it. He only used it for Good.You are in a Holy Place when you write this! Even though, you are distorted, By billows of His dressing. God used the trees to make you listen. So all of these thoughts are going to continue, They don’t end until you die. You will always have Him, No matter sober or stoned. But in this moment, God is giving you great ministering. He is communicating, With you directly! That’s why you, can write this.You know now your purpose! You are a prophet of God. You base your life, On His Holy Scripture!And the devil’s gonna come – always, always.I AM your Father, This poem is for you. Don’t listen to the demons, They seek to eat your flesh. All the people you love, Are Children of God.God is using your twin brother, To show you a mirror of yourself. Bounce things off him, So you can know the truth.You don’t look at people, Because they are not God. But now God has brought you to this point, So you will never again doubt!You are a prophet of God. You are sharing with the world, My Dominion.Soon They Will Be extinguished, You remind them of that. They would never survive, What you have been through.They are reminded of God, When they look at you! “You are a great man:” Repeat this to yourself.God loves you so much, He told The Words to you. That cross you saw in the window, Was no accident! God wanted you to understand, He was the one talking to you.These earthquake visions you are getting, Are signs from Me!I gave my Son for you, Don’t play me for a fool. Your penmanship to your inner thoughts, I use to do my will, Rodney. You are no accident, You are no fool.I visit with you and love you dearly; To the devil I’d never give you. Your sin I covered for you, I healed your filthy disease. Tell it to the world: I didn’t do it for naught.Listen to My Voice, At all times of the day and night. I will not lead you astray, There is no need to second guess me, I planned everyday of your life, I planned it from second to year.You are a prophet of the Lord (The Savior of this world).Your great sin is laziness, In teaching God’s Word to the world. He put you here for that reason. He got you the job because He must always, Take care of you, Better than what the unbelievers, Would ever think possible, For someone of your age.At twenty-seven years, You have infiltrated, Their spheres of influence. You did it because you love God, And He blessed you to.You are light years ahead, Of most of the world. Like billions at a time, Because they do not acknowledge My Voice.Your challenge is to learn to listen, While I bring my people to you. If you second guess yourself, You second guess Me. You go outside my will, You make a fool; Because you believe you are weird.You are highly favored, by God above. Don’t listen to unbelievers, They do not know what they do.I love you very much, Rodney. My voice is thunder. You act a fool when your voice goes high and pitchy.I show you this, because I love you, Don’t worry. They do not know.You publish my every word: You bare your soul. You tell them your inner thoughts. You tell them: I’m not pleased with them.They hear you? They will be blessed; Beyond their wildest dreamsYour greatest sin, Rodney, Is laziness. But all of that is covered, You have finally accepted me, You have finally willed.For that I am grateful, Beyond belief. You wonder how I could love you, If only you knew.(I do often pause to think: I did not expect them to do all the things they do.)You are not lazy in the world, You’re lazy with God. They can tell, Because they speak, For The Accuser.He sees your acts in private, And tells them things. They don’t know that it’s true, Until they talk to you.When you talk back to them, They hear The Voice of God: They see your love, When they acknowledge the truth; And your anger, Rodney, Kindled when they do not.Learn the rules of the game, So they cannot easily defeat you.To Rodney, my devoted believer: You are a prophet of the Lord. You’ll never fail, I won’t allow it!There are no accidents. I made your every detail With an Eye to know what would attract them.Your beauty, they can’t deny. They know that God adores you. He changes their countenance; Their eyes, are not dim.No mirrors, they are evil. They have been corrupted, By wealthy men. They show you lies, To measure to; The looking glass I gave you, They tell the truth. Until you free your mind, From their ways, You cannot, understand my truth. So stay out of mirrors, they lie to you.That’s why he gave you so many voices, In your head; So each would have a personality.The mysteries I show to you; How they wish, they knew them. You are, a child of God. I’ll always protect you; Until I decide you’re ready to rule with me.You cannot crumble; When the demons pressure you, Tell them: I AM THE TRUTH, Their insomnia, only whispers.If you falter, then I am a lie. You don’t have to be perfect, You are always, Beyond their reach.You heed my voice, You’ll never die.You wonder, whey they look at you, With peculiar eyes? They are believers, too, But they are not you.The truth you profess, Is deeper than they ever thought. They know that you are God, In that moment.The truth I give to you, Is not to hurt, But to bring repentance, For their soul.Because you are dust, You must remember, Even I, first had anger When they rejected me. But follow My Voice through, I did not stay there long.(Don’t add, to my words. They will, suffice. I created the world, Do not edit me. All that you have, I adorned you. Don’t think that you’re next to me. Even Jesus, my Holy Son, Knew His place.)When you speak out loud, You speak The Truth. But they will scrutinize you for doubt, And devour you if you budge.This happened not because of drug addiction: You know you’re free. I allowed this pleasure into your life, Because it is how I clearly get your attention.They were throwing you out Because your Words destroyed them. Your prayer offended them. They thought you one of them. They see, you know their God.They are so scared, They do not know what to do. So be on your best behavior, Lest you make my children to fall!You’re my example, don’t follow them. You are their leader, Whether they believe it or deny.Rodney, don’t you worry If I speak through you. Don’t study flaws in the writing; The Truth will come to light.So turn the Punctuation on its head. Set a rhythm, use it always.All the things that come back to you, I have sent: You are a prophet of the Lord.The wonders I show you; The miracles I supply you; They marvel at.I am the same. I know not weariness.Rodney, my son, In whom I’m pleased; You have great humility, Yet you are fire. You are like me: Don’t back away. You’re on the brink Of Your Age.You wonder why, The men at church avoid you When you ask for council? You represent a light so bright They see their place, below you.They are dust, they can’t prostrate. (Not bow for you, Rodney: You are my vessel.) They shy from me. They do not truly know me.So some will stick to their lies And choke their growth. But they’ll never be great in Heaven: They’re ashamed of me.That sting of embarrassment You feel when you acknowledge me: They are not like you; Their pride denies the greatest of me.You are a prophet. Your ministry begins today. You could not see it Because it was already there; You looked for signs, and sand, While I tired of waiting For you to save My Children.They do not know That they offend me. You will use their truths To show their lies.That desire for knowledge, I put in you, Is worth so much more Than you equate.I want you To arm yourself for Battle: Read the books, Study the languages.You read them like a book. They cannot deceive you. You know The Truth And repeateth it.Your purpose, Rodney Is to love me.Show them what they can have. Your ministry is movies. You will preach for me. The day you doubt me, You’ll be swallowed whole.Satan himself battles not your twin, But you. I’m showing you his flaws, Not for you to hurt him, But for you to minister to him.And when he’s wrong You will tell him, Because God speaks through you. Now is the time, To pull him up too. This isn’t about you, It’s about My Church.Get over yourself, and get uncomfortable Because when you go, you are among wolves. But I love them so much, I desire, All My Children to share in my wealth.You are not fit to judge them: That I made safe. Your sin was modest Your result, disgrace… And death… And dying… That never cease.I saved you then So you’d know it was me. I AM THE I AM Let no man fool you.You are a great man! You will do my bidding. And the souls you save I’ll count as treasures.When you are in Heaven You’ll rule over them. So never hate! Look at them like children: They know not what they do.I AM THE I AM Let no man deceive you.Prepare my message Like the shining platinum And stones of light They desire and I despise: For then, they’ll listen.Until then, consult me In everything you do. I will help you outwit them.Even now you are obedient And yet they surprise me. Their persecution shows me You are few and far between.So when the Age has come And they stand before me, You’ll stand behind me; You’ll give account of what they did.Stop giving thought To money and riches; You will get them in due time, But first I must refine you. This money has a power that You have not known; It makes of gods, the vermin.And it turns my earthly angels Into evil men, Even the ones I sent to preach Till repentance.Like you once did, They use their light (I rub off on them), To entice unbelievers And Little Children with them.The commit a greater foul Than the rejecters do: Having seen The Truth, They chose the devil yet again.The more you backslide, The more you blaspheme against The Holy Spirit.See, I never had to say this to them, That’s why you’re my prophet. I will protect you In every den.I’ll stand in the fire with you And share your pain. This is not magic, I feel everything that you feel.Your passions are for your queen, Not for your own pleasure. And likewise She will fulfill you.When you make love to her, Watch her closely And explore her body: Your tongue the compass.If she be stretched out, Stretch her too. You saw the movies For that reason.She will never tell you Her wants and needs; She is too afraid To expose herself.So many others Have trampled her under their feet. And just like you I heard her voice.Which speaks to me In my own tongue: The Tongue of Truth I can’t deny.So I made her for you, Even to enjoy; But she is sacred, Do not offend her.You are to love her As I love you. I have entrusted her to you: Do not kindle my wrath.For if you regard not This simple treasure, Your reward will spoil you; And like the others, Your soul will grow dull Without her daily reminder Of My Love.For you are nothing without me.You must build Ron up! He is your mirror What you see in him You will see in you.For I am perfect; I moved all the pieces. Lift your brother up. Satan hates you.And spoke through your brother Not long ago But I show you my fruit In his lifeFor you to realize He is one with you. You are no better; You think you are,Not in evil ways, But also not in truth; For truth is perfect Without fault,So love your brother thusly. Tell him first my wonders; He is your mirror, Never forget that.When you go to pictures of yourself For encouragement, You feed the lie That ensnares you.You see ugliness Where beauty reins. You are like me, Not a manipulated image:An image made by powerful men To enslave.They used to use the average looker But with their guilt they sell to you, They enslave your mind To think you can never measure up.They work for the beast. Their wages are a plenty: For this wealthy few Confound billions.Do not be deceived By The Wealthy’s rejection; Many poor people Will hear My Voice in you.So count not rich men As sacred game; Count my sheep, A humble animal,Which recognizes its need For a shepherd to lead the way Through the valley of devourers.I love you, Rodney, Because you hate money; You understand its wickedness. Many do not see it:They marvel how you Can spend your money so foolishly, And never starve. (They are starving=They are stingy)They are insects; They build castles in the sand: You can trample their kingdom Without even looking.So give no thought to them.