Butterflies, Kittens, Family, Friends, Blue Skies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Labradors, The Sims 2, Decorating, Sno Cones, Rainbows, Picnics, Cookouts, Beaches, Sand Between My Toes, Sunglasses, My Computer, The Color Blue, My Ipod, Starry Nights, Scary Movies, The Ocean, My Cell Phone, Mirrors, Taking Pictures, Being Photographed, Sandals, Iced Tea, Shopping, Camping, Fishing, Singing, Pogo.com, Bear Hugs, Roses, Water Balloon Fights, Writing Poetry, Cooking, Chocolate, Shoes, Happy Bunny, Ice Cream, My Car, The Color Pink, Dolphins, Bondage, Music, Holding Hands, Dancing When No One Is Watching, Nice Guys, Humor, Credit Cards, Kisses In The Rain, Makeout Sessions, My Finace', Campfires, S'mores, Perfume, Diamonds, Chinese Food, Makeup, Long Hot Showers, Chocolate Milk, Drawing, Eeyore, Disney Movies, Christmas, Birthdays, Hot Tubs, Straws, Loud Music, Casino's, Strawberries, Clean Sheets, Pillows, French Fries, Sleep, Heart-to-Heart Chats, Air Conditioning, Sex, Tattoos, Johnny Depp, Toothpicks, Austrailian Accents, Bath & Body Works, Fashion Bug, Getting Mail, Free Samples, Nicholas Cage, Garage Sales, Carnivals, AOL, Voicemail, TV, Pajamas, Nail Polish, Being Silly, Cuddling, Fuzzy Navels, and Strawberry Daiquaris.
Love the country music baby!!! Also like oldies doo wop, love songs, emo, and gothic music. I will listen to almost anything if it's "catchy".
Most fav. movie is the Prince and Me. Yeah, it's chick flick but it's great!! I could watch that movie every day. Also like the Harry Potter movies, and any type of horror/scary/gore movies. Comedies and sappy love stories are good too.
Favs. are House, CSI, Medium, Nip/Tuck, Survivor, & Dead Like Me.
Last book I read was "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" by Mitch Albom...that was pretty good...not much of a book person though.
My hero is my Mom. She's been through so much and is still strong. She showed me the way when my world was crumbling down around me and is always there when I need to talk. She fights when everyone else has given up and pushes herself beyond that limit. I would be drowning in my own over-powering sorrows and struggling from trying to kill myself if it wasn't for her.