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Artists or representatives must provide a complete one-page biography outlining their work experience in the music field. Optional: Artists may provide any promotional materials such as flyers for shows, posters, radio appearances, etc. that certify their music industry work experience.Artists must also provide sample product, which will not be returned. Sample products include 4 tracks reflective of one’s vocal/lyrical strength submitted in a mixtape or demo form. Once these materials are provided, Conrad “Rad†Dimanche will review the material. If he is interested in consulting with an artist or their representatives, I will send out a confirmation via the preferred contact. Following contact between parties, arrangements will be made for a consultation session.Please note a meeting with Conrad “Rad†Dimanche is not an assurance of a record deal, or any affiliations or ties to a record deal contract, record label, record label affiliates or representatives. It is a consultation to assess the work of an artist(s) and if possible, future business relations.