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UURecords Recording Artist: Becky De Leon

About Me

www.BeckyDeLeon.org www.shoutlife.com/BeckyDMusic www.MySpace.com/BeckyDMusicBecky MirelesShe was born Rebecca Christina Mireles on December 23, 1981 in beautiful San Antonio, Texas. Her parents moved to Corpus Christi, Texas in 1988 when she was 6 years old. It is here where her humble roots began. Becky began singing at the influential age of 13. Her very first performance was at her grandparent's church, St. Gabriel. She asked the person that was running sound if she could sing and he allowed her to do so. Becky's first performance wasn't exactly spectacular, but it was the beginning of her love affair with the music industry.Shortly after that, Becky began participating in local talent shows around her home town of Corpus Christi. Her dad proposed that if she was serious about being a professional vocalist, Becky would have to continue her efforts for atleast two years. Determined to get to reach her goal, Becky spent the next two years singing everywhere she could in order to prove she was ready to be star.At age 15, Becky's dad began seriously promoting his talented daughter throughout the Tejano industry. With her dad as her manager, Becky began as the opening act at different venues for a variety of Tejano music's well respected artists. Over the next few years, Becky recorded her first spanish language CD entitled "Cuatro Palabras" and began performing all throughout the State of Texas. "Cuatro Palabras" was mildly successful and gained airplay on mulitiple Tejano radio stations throughout Texas. She also performed for various television shows and radio programs that helped to expose Becky's music to the public.By age 18, Becky was ready to move in a different artisitic direction. Although Tejano music was dear to her heart, she decided to try her favorite genre of music, hip hop. Becky moved back to San Antonio, Texas to begin pursuing this new vision. While searching for producers to collaborate with, Becky met her would be husband, Capone De Leon. Capone De Leon established his positive hip hop group "Capone & The Untouchables" as a positive alternative for serious artists. Capone invited Becky to join the Untouchables in 2001. Capone & The Untouchables' brand of positive hip hop brings important social issues to the public forefront. This is why Becky decided to accept Capone's invitation, so that she could make a difference in the world through her God given talent. Since joining the group, Becky has unwrapped an entire arsenol of talents she never new existed within her. She learned to write and produce her own music, rap, act, and even became an advertising copywriter.Today, Becky successfully balances being a full time Mom and Recording Artist by maintaining her relationship with God. She does that by lending her talents to her home church, Lighthouse Christian Temple (www.MySpace.com/LighthouseChristianTemple). When she is not in the recording studio, Becky is a full time member of the LCT Praise Team and can be seen at every Wednesday and Sunday service lifting her voice to praise God.

My Interests

My interests are centered around music and the arts. My main focus is building my relationship with Christ in order to reach my fullest potential and become what was destined for me.

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My Greatest Creations...Angelina and Baby Capone!



I love a wide variety of music. Mostly music with a message. As far as rap goes, I'm a big fan of my husband, Positive Rapper Capone De Leon. Other artists I like inlude Common and Lauryn Hill. I also like old school R&B and Pop.


I LOVE the movie 300. Also have to say I loved The Simpson's Movie. In general, I prefer comedies and drama over the rest of the genres. I don't like scary movies that are too "gorey" or movies that are stereotypically "street". You know, those movies that have dialogue that include every cliche phrase of the moment like "bling" and words of that nature. I admire creativity.


During the day my programing choices are limited to Pre-Schooler shows like "Blues Clues" or "Dora the Explorer". When I can watch what I like, of course I watch The Simpson's, I like to watch some of the music channels, TV Dramas, some news shows, and very few reality shows. For some reason, I'm really into "America's Next Top Model" at the moment. Late night, I fall asleep to re-runs of "The George Lopez" show.


Wow, it's been awhile since I've found a book that I've really gotten into. Right now, I've made it my goal to read the entire Bible from start to finish. I would have to say, this is the most amazing book I have ever read. I didn't realize what I was missing out on. Some of the stories of the Bible are better than any best selling author could come up with. Not to mention, each one comes with valuable, life saving messages that help you live a better life. I highly recommend for everyone to read the Bible atleast one time in their lives.


As far as heroes go, I really look up to people who take chances. Anyone who has made a difference in the world has had to go above and beyond the realm of what is considered normal to achieve successful outcomes. The best example I can give of such a person would be Jesus. He would have to be my number one hero.

My Blog

Entrepreneur of the Year

What up Everyone!  Still waitin' for Capella to be born... til then, there's some pretty exciting things going on ... My husband, Capone, will be going to Los Angeles Nov. 8th for Hispanic Busi...
Posted by kBeckyk on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 06:45:00 PST

Baby Shower Info

Well, tomorrow is my Baby Shower at church and I'm really excited.  I'll be taking lots of pictures and letting everyone know how it went.  Also, many friends have been asking what I need f...
Posted by kBeckyk on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 08:48:00 PST

Almost, But Not Quite...

This past Sunday was pretty crazy.  While I was singing on the Praise Team at church, I was having crazy pains in my stomach.  Well, when it was time for us to get off, I hurried to my husba...
Posted by kBeckyk on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 11:22:00 PST

One More To Go

Only one more month to go!!!  I have to say, I don't remember it being this hard.  I'm starting to get really bad contractions already and I'm constantly in pain.  Doctor says it's norm...
Posted by kBeckyk on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 07:29:00 PST

29 Weeks Later...

7 months pregnant, and man is this baby kicking!  According to the doctor, the baby weighs almost 3 lbs and is about 15 in. long.  Might as well weigh a ton... LOL  Everything is going ...
Posted by kBeckyk on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 07:56:00 PST

Fried Pickles

That was one of the interesting things I tried on my trip to Dallas, TX.  We were there to visit with my husband's family, so we were up for trying new things with them.  Made for an interes...
Posted by kBeckyk on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 11:27:00 PST

July 2007

This month has been a month of happiness as well as heart ache...  As far as my pregnancy goes, I found out that I will be having another baby girl and in about a week, I will be 6 months pregna...
Posted by kBeckyk on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 12:47:00 PST

At the halfway mark

Howdy Ya'll!  LOL I'm officially at the halfway mark of my pregnancy (5 mos.).  My stomach is about the size of a small soccer ball and I can feel the baby moving.  It's a really amazin...
Posted by kBeckyk on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 07:55:00 PST

Just Over the 3 Mo. Mark...

Yo!!! What up everyone!    I'm about 14 weeks along this pregnancy (a little over 3 months) and I'm happy to report that I'm feeling great!  No more morning sickness or being tired.&nbs...
Posted by kBeckyk on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:20:00 PST

2 Months Down, 7 More to Go...

Alrighty, well, I've recently hit the 2 month mark in my pregnancy.  I've been doin' alright.  Just dealing with the fatigue and morning sickness.  The frequency that I get hungry ...
Posted by kBeckyk on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 07:17:00 PST