Cooking, Music, Guitar, Massage, Yoga, Healing Foods, Herbs, Drums, Bass, Keyboards, Synths, Knives, Mopeds, Movies, Effects Pedals, Veganism, Raw Food Cuisine, Vegetarianism, Tapas, Paranormal Experiences, Astral Plane Experiences, Celtic Magic, Restaurants, Nutrition, Fusion Cuisine, Religion, Spirituality, Spiritual Awakening, Expanded Consciousness, Coffee, Tea, Home Brew, Running,
Someone who can keep up.
When you dance, you feel the rhythm and take the chance.
Provoke my eyes, thoughts, and technical senses, You have provoked my soul. If I leave a movie theater a slightly different person, I must have enjoyed the movie.
Iron Chef, Nip/Tuck, Stand-up Comedy, Old Nickelodeon, Documentaries
Cooking, Evolution, Religion, Spirituality, Social Dynamics, Music, Money
Be your own hero. Create yourself, with proper timing, you will become the hero