We are a new paintball team form huron Ohio. We live to Paintball. We love the sport to death we like to play woodball and tourney for fun but tourney for competion. The El Capiton is Aaron, Front man(a-man) Assiant el-Capiton Pal Wal,Backman (..ace...what...),Big Woody middle man(Woody),Kevin ,Back man (KE),Quinn Front middle,front middle,Cory(c-wek) Chris camera man,ref.We get our equipment from Chad at Imperial acton sports in North Olmsted. He good with gats and have everything you need.We shoot all types of guns and have differant prefences Aaron (shocker) Fully decked, out Pal Wal (proto matrix)Woody (Nerve,A-5), KE (A-5), Quinn (ion) ,cHris (Camera) lol,Lanker (pro-98)20bps,C-wek(autococker couple ups) For All chothing we like the empire Chit makes us looks sexy.
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