|_Te§§a_| profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I like ice cream, playing in the sand. I like Sunsets,sandwichs, shows,seafood, skateboarding, surfing- wow i like lots of things that begin with S! :-) Put me near an ocean, lake or bay and I'm happy. Add some headphones and I'm even happier.

My Interests

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I like : Country, Rap, Classical, Classic Rock, Blue Grass, Heavy Metal...it all depends on my mood for the day and what i'm doing at the time. The music that I listen to most of the time is alternative. My favorite bands are Pearl Jam, Matchbox 20, Nickelback.


Kill Bill(s), Anchorman, Napolean Dynomite,Momento, Tommy Boy, Ace Ventura, Office Space, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Dirty Dancing, Top Gun, American Pie, Finding Nemo, ELF, ET


Comedies are my favorite! I rarely if ever watch tv but when I do I watch either reruns of Everybody loves Raymond and Seinfeld.