life, living, and being amongst it ecspecially when it comes to my daughter who is full of currently into realestate for a living and all i want from it is to prove that could be done and that i was more in this life than just your every day run of the mill men who seem to fall prey to cowardness to their dreams and fail relentlessly and miserably in all they attempt, being an entrepernuer was what was in my blood the day i saved my first dime i was compounding intrest. through my new chosen carrer im not robbing anyone im literally saving livelihoods, sure it cost them some of their equity but what people forget and get mixed up is the difference between what they want and what they need, when dealing with people in distressed home situations thats as basic as i can get. to let them see the difference of walking away from forclosure with a enough cash to start a new life, to the other side wich is what i found many people in distress to be in denial the most they do to help themselves is pray and many times those prayers aren't answered it off to sheriff sale where it all gets tossed out on the street with nothing for their home but a bill to follow , then comes moving in with family and so on and so forth. what i have come to realize is how bad it can get how deep you can sink, i rid myself of talking only price, i come to learn its the last thing that needs to be identified that learning and sharing their pain comes first and finding out why things went the way they did , and offer my take on how working with me and following up with me can take them from that place of anxiety to a place of peace of mind, where i once was way down and now im on my way way up, and if i have something to offer something that might be of value to a potential client or not even a client just the general public, im gonna give it.Pride is taking less than you need and accepting it. well i must say i live a proud life for the only thing that matters to me isn't with me as much as i want.i never been on drugs but i know of the pain of addiction the subliminal mind traps that exist in life some would call demons, just as ive never gone without water yet i know the pain of thirst and longing to quench the fire thats burning inside. i know suffering for i have suffered thats all i need to know, and if i can escape what i was caught up in,you can walk the mile for your drink or i'll carry is to say that a man without a dream is hopelessly lost with an unlit candle without a lite. and i do believe that a man should be known not for what he attains but yet what he longs to attain. fullfillment of the ego is never ending with out pain there would be no concept of relief.yes i beleive in demons the ones man creates and gives rule to , yet man breeds these inner creatures these mind twisters with giving it a second thought how to control the reaction thats bound to come from his past response.
the perfect me and his female version
hardcore fuckin metal only; well you can throw classical in there
don't watch much really into boxing though that and Bill maher would be the only reason to pay for HBO to me
"the antichrist" by frederich neichie " the animal farm" have to say my best thought producing works of art oh grapes of wrath put it in there to kill a mocking bird among many others im more of a how-to type no not bombs anymore anyway.
theres only one Aurora K. Kohansky