~Rika~ profile picture


~Hate it or Love it~

About Me

I am a proud parent of 3 children. I love my life and I love to make people laugh. girls layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments

My Interests

Reading, spending time with my children, and going out. Take the quiz:
What does your birth month reveal about you?

Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egoistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.

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Catherine Dunham, Coretta Scott-King
Great Survey for 20 & Over...
name: Morika
nicknames: Rika
zodiac sign: Capricorn
birthplace: Asheville N.C
current location: Greenville S.C
height: 5' 8"
nationality: African American
Do You...
want to get married?: Someday, to the right person
want kids?: Have 3
still sleep with a stuffed animal?: no
get motion sickness?: no
have tattoos? how many?: Have 2
have piercings? how many?: have ear piercings
Can You....
sing?: yes
whistle?: barely
surf?: no
snowboard?: no
roll your tongue?: yes
Right Now You Are...
listening to..: nothing
watching...: news
eating...: sandwich
wearing...: t-shirt& shorts
How Old Were You When...
you had your first bf/gf?: 14
had your first kiss?: 12
fell in love for the first time?: 17
got a real job?: 17
started paying your own bills?: 17
moved away from home?: 17
Would You Ever...
marry for money?: no
scuba dive?: no
sky dive?: hell no
marry for money?: no
lie to spare someone's feelings?: depends on the situation
have a long distance relationship?: been there done that
marry for money?: no
Do You Believe In...
love at first sight?: not really
soulmaes?: yeah
ghosts?: no
aliens?: no
heaven?: yes
hell?: yes
Flash From The Past....
Which is your favorite smurf?: smurfette
Scooby Doo or The Flintstones?: scooby doo
Zach or Slater?: neither
90210 or Melrose Place?: 90210
He-man or She-ra?: she-ra of course
Barbie or Jem & The Holograms?: barbie
Care Bears or My Little Pony?: care bares
Hot Wheels or Micro Machines?: I'm a girl
Dunkin Doughnuts Guy or Where's The Beef Lady?: krispy kreme
What Was the Last....
cd you bought?: ray j
movie you saw?: none
show you watched?: movie
person you talked to?: sister
person you hugged?: my children
compliment you recieved?: on my space
time you laughed?: a minute ago
thing you ate?: chicken
thing you drank?: soda
place you went?: store
color?: blue
food?: krispy kreme doughnuts
drink?: soda
fast food restaurant?: fats cafe
alcoholic beverage?: blue motorcycle
place to hang out?: home
place on earth to be?: home
day of the week?: all of them
book?: any bio.
seaso?: spring
sport?: basketball
vacation spot?: none
Either or....
cats / dogs: neither
book / movie: both
flowers / candy: both
swim / run: both
Ben Harper / Jack Johnson: neither
boxers / briefs: boxers
basketball / football: b-ball
Wal-Mart / Target: walmart
AOL / Yahoo: yahoo
Leno / Letterman: neither
Paris, France / Florence, Italy: not getting on no plane
pepsi / coke: pepsi
coffee / tea: tea
chocolate / vanilla: both
summer / winter: a blessing to see both
snowboard / ski: neither
surf / wakeboard: neither
cake / pie: both
Pizza Hut / Papa John's: both
Adidas / Nike: nike
Have You Ever...
been in love?: yes
protested something?: no
been on a plane?: hell no
been to a nude beach?: no
done something stupid when you were drunk?: yes
performed on a stage?: yes
tried to count the stars?: yes
slept outside in a tent?: yes
caught a fish?: yes
met a celebrity?: yes
cheated?: yes
kissed a stranger?: no
danced naked when you were alone?: yes
What Are Some Quick Thoughts On...
abortion?: not for me
the war in Iraq?: stupid
gay marriage?: not my business
the death penalty?: depends on the situation
legal marajuana?: might as well
organized religon?: its what it is
Finish This Sentence....
I a(n)...: woman
I love...: my family
I'm looking for....: happiness
I don't understand......: why people do crazy things
My boyfriend is.....: right here
People say I'm....: crazy
I will always....: make people laugh
Forever is.....: not promised
I think the current President is....: a dumb ass redneck
When I wake up in the morning...: i thank god
Life is so full of....: blessings
My past is incredibly....: not relevant
I get annoyed when....: people talk out of th side of their neck
My mom once told me.....: cant remember
I wish....: dont have any
Right now, my life makes me....: happy
My dog / cat....: dont one any
Nightmares are...: scary
I would die for....: my children
Tommorrow I'm going to....: thank god for that day
I really want some....: ice creme
God is....: the real man in my life
Thunderstorms make me....: sleep
I have low tolerance for people who...: dont mind their business
If I had a million dollars....: be happier
The meaning of life is....: love,laughter and a great life
You're almost done....
What do you do in your spare time?: rest
What is the stupidest thing you'vw ever done?: not saying
What get's you up in the morning?: my children
What is the hardest thing you've ever done?: said goodbye to someone
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?: dont know
Do you dye your hair?: no
What is your biggest fear?: nothing anymore
What is your weakness?: doughnuts
What's in your fridge?: food
What do you like about yourself?: everything
Can you live without a microwave?: yes
What can't you live without?: phone
What would you save if your house was on fire?: my children
What time do you go to bed?: whenever
How long do your showers last?: dont know
What color is your razor?: pink
What are the last 4 digits on your cell?: 4937
What is the first movie you remember seeing?: home alone
If you could have dinner with any 3 people, dead or alive, who would the be: grandmama,deidre,clyde
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My Blog

I Love and Im sorry

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Remember Me?

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Posted by ~Rika~ on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 02:10:00 PST