--- kiro. profile picture

--- kiro.

who looks outside: dreams. who looks inside: awakens.

About Me

--- i deny my own mind as much as possible.---i prefer to be alone or in company of watchers.--- i like to play roles that could help me out to destroyand recreate something about myself.die and reborn.
--- i'm not a pain seeker, but pain is necessary to reachthe real thing. and that's important. but isn't.
--- my motivation to study something is curiosity... believe and also non-believe. i need to swallow questions, doubts, answers, beliefs... and drain the magic of symbols inside myself...[before i forget the whole thing].
--- i need ritual. and then stop thinking about my acts. concepts are meaningless against truth. reality can be controlled... like presence and love. choicesand chances.
--- i have nothing to say about faith.--- i admire and respect a lot of people but there is only one object of my worship: god himself. nothing else is permitted according to his own word.
--- sometimes... i read tarot and tell a lot of lies that go well together. tarot for me is the conjunction of two unconscious sharing energy and also the need of find and give answers. the talent [little overrated] is present or not. in my case: absolutely not. ;P
--- my natal chart: lol.
--- if u are a reader, you might understand my lol. the moon in aquarious is the most interesting aspect. and aslo the worst one. im too good and too bad for anyone.
[i recommend: the keys of astrology].
--- unknown.
one day i met a weird part of |the unknown|. something very well explained in folktales... one is never accustomed to those things. then you try to take control of your own mind: sublimating and explaining facts.--- in my personal point of view, dark is fine, but light's real value in existence is too often neglected./check out the blue light.
[i recomend: the king of the witches/margaret murray. KICK ASS! but out of print./ also i recommend: the folk tale of Pan, the greek god who watches over shepherds and their flocks]. ;)
--- then.
suddenly you wake up of a weird dream: you were an assassin enlightened by purity and love.--- evil thing is evil thought.---we are good people. we are watchers. [please. read Krishnamurti before you die]. ;)
---however, not everything could be that easy in the path of god's perfection i am walking through. i feel confused many times.but clarity appears when i let go. [1]
[1] song: faith and the muse/ shattered in aspect.
--- i'm ok with all my experiences. maybe not very proud of all i've done, but i accept consequences of my acts. no more hit and run. and no time to feel tons of guilt or depression. weakness is for women and children. just kidding. im a woman. and a kid. and a cerdo.
---i don't believe in [nobility of/rofl] suicide --- i've considered suicide fantasy many times in my life, just like everybody else, but i prefer borderline expressions... there's so many ways to keep yourself alive].--- stability is my friend. i'm not that psycho. but eventually hell arise. you know.
--- about stuff.
|never trust a junkie| trrrrrrrr.i've tried a few.it's done.
--- dealing.
sometimes i need a break of my own life and then i quit for a few months. i must be honest: i can become a very unkind and negative human being when i need to go and i just can't for any reason.
i never give much explanations about my acts or feelings. "throw yourself to the lion" ;).
--- mad.
i dont like energy worms.
--- what i'm not.
im a god but not a savior one. please don't bother me. too much desperate affection is a sin. i am a free animal [beware the dog].
--- name.
dot anastasia kira mers elyria cleopatra kiro alejandro bryan de jesus de la vega iturbide gregoria de la concha nacar III./also known as ana.--- many names. many ways.

Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)
Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.
Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. How Rare Is Your Personality?
You Are a Super Diva
Some may complain about your diva ways, but you brush them off.
You simply demand the best - and there's nothing wrong with that.
Don't stomp on the little people too much though!
You still need them to get to the top. Are You a Diva?

My Interests

--- ópera. family. religion. paris. computers. freedom. fight. art. poetry. psychology. high heels. respect. tattoos [about 6]. anime. sing. peace [waiting for my lucky day]. piercings. home. think. glam. love. hate. humanity. animals. insects. all alone. mind. dreams. astro. money. innocence. smoothies. sleep. dignity. tarot. beyond. poop. justice. movies. temples. music. birds. magic. water. friends. books. cats. trips. to eat. to write about life. love. hate and god... i like god. im the ant's god. i can tell.

--- psychologist. management and financial adviser. hist. of religions. right now, im into computer bis. i'm fine with my job but sometimes i feel a little bit against some aspects of [myth/lol] technology... i hate cellphones.

i'm ok trying human nature.

I'd like to meet:

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My Blog

--- ¿insomnio?

  I. corro descalzo lo más rápido que puedo, mis pies no tocan mucho el piso... tengo que huir o seguramente ya no hay más. el concilio aprueba mi presencia entre molestos ruidos de ind...
Posted by --- kiro. on Thu, 15 May 2008 11:31:00 PST

--- maría: preludio.

Empeñada en ser una buena madre, se consumió en lo escalofriante de aquellas gastadas vías. Es el recuento de todas las cosas, de lo que se puede decir que vale la pena.   Es la santidad de una ...
Posted by --- kiro. on Tue, 13 May 2008 11:09:00 PST

--- café.

otra vez se proyectan ante ti las imágenes del destino, desoladas y pacificas. siempre tratando de trascender lo perecedero de la existencia. siempre buscando el amor eterno, el perfecto, el incorrupt...
Posted by --- kiro. on Mon, 12 May 2008 10:39:00 PST

--- the sound of silence.

hello darkness, my old friend, ive come to talk with you again,because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while i was sleeping,and the vision that was planted in my brain still remains.within th...
Posted by --- kiro. on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 02:48:00 PST

--- amigos.

hay amistades más felices que otras... con algunas personas compartes puras alegrías. creo que comunmente ese es el papel del "amigo". estar contigo. entenderte. solaparte. reir mucho. ¿hay algo mejo...
Posted by --- kiro. on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:17:00 PST

--- crimen.

hoy estuvimos en mi castillo en compañía de un intruso. le quitamos la vida.  la victoria fue extraña. no me gustó. lo acorralamos y ni siquiera fue una lucha justa. hubiera preferido no ll...
Posted by --- kiro. on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 12:22:00 PST

--- dualidad unificada.

  escritos escatológicos, mucho amor, mucho deseo, mucha profandad y mucha religión. de que extraña y sencilla manera se proyectan estos temas... es redundante todo lo que planteo, pero si he de ...
Posted by --- kiro. on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 02:21:00 PST

--- el brujo jaguar.

Chilam-Balam, el sacrificio eterno. ¿qué vale vivir en universo desvirtuado por sombras extranjeras? Pinto mi piel de azul, marco el signo de lo perpetuo, me atavío de dignidad, mientras siendo ...
Posted by --- kiro. on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:34:00 PST

--- arquetipos.

los arquetipos se encierran en los cuentos, en las historias, en los mitos... y básicamente en muchos aspectos del inconsciente... pero a veces nos topamos con ellos en algún lugar del mundo físico......
Posted by --- kiro. on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:28:00 PST

--- alquimia.

cuál  es la sensación que va antes que la razón y que ególatra se desnuda frente a la imagen? --- minúsculo y disecado yace en esa alfombra de dimensiones indefinidas, su belleza intacta me inv...
Posted by --- kiro. on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 12:38:00 PST