Christmas Morning-2006I am interested in being interested. I am always interested in TRYING to be in shape-round is a shape! :) I am interested in doing a whole lot of remodeling to my house-add a second story above the garage, landscape the backyard...The beach, Autumn, Rainy Days...blah, blah, blah. Martial arts. I do believe that my crouching tiger is still "hidden" deep within my soul-wwwaay deep. I love to dance. I'd like to think that I dance like J.Lo but I know that I look more like Ellen Degeneres. Nonetheless, I do enjoy getting my groove on.
I scored a 88% on the "How Alameda are you?" Quizie! What about you?
I'm all over the board on this one. I like anything and everything. I even love to listen to songs in foreign languages and I'll have no clue what they're saying. If I can feel any emotion from the song it's gonna get play.
Any movie that makes you think and inspires you to make a difference. Scary movies!!!! I'm one of those girls who protect themselves behind their fingers during the spooky parts. It really works!!!! Oh, and martial arts movies. Jet Li "I love you".
Amazing Race, anything on HGTV (because one day I will do THAT to my house) and cooking shows (because one day I will make THAT perfect meal)!! I have to admit I'm a reality show junkie!!
"LOVE YOU FOREVER"-I haven't read this book once without crying.
My mom-a single mother who raised 3 girls and supported her 8 brothers and sisters. Need I say more?