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About Me...
Full name Suleika Molina
Nickname Suly or Suki Suki
Birthday feb 14 1978
Birthplace San Juan ,Puerto Rico
Zodiac Sign Aquiaries
Current Location Boca raton
Eye Color green
Hair Color strawberry blonde with highlights
Height 5'3'
Right handed or Left Handed right handed
Your Weakness Coach handbags
Your Fears be forgotten and being alone
Goal you would like to achieve this year buying a new house
Favorite Color depends my mood, lately pink
Favorite Food sushi
Favorite Drink white russians and hurricanes
TV Shows CSI, Law & Order SVU, and adult swim
Thoughts First Waking Up five more minutes
Your Bedtime 12 am to 1 am
Most Missed Memory being a kid
Coffee or Tea? coffee
McDs or BK? neither
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Pepsi or Coke? Coke
Been to College? Yes University of Puerto Rico and FAU
Believe in Marriage? married now
Been in Love? yes, more than once
Do you like Thunderstorms? love them
Tattoos or Piercings? both, navel and a small shooting star in the small of my back
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My Chemical Romance's Myspace Page
I have a long list , I own over 500 dvds and still going.... Top Gun,Star Wars,Aliens,Predator,The Rundown, Labryth,Pitch Black,The Punisher,Gladiator,Underworld, Braveheart,13 Ghost, Interview with a Vampire, Lost Boys, Leon the Professional. The Crow, Fifth Element , Scream, Dark Waters, The Ring, Ringu , Ju-On, The grudge. Equlibrium, The Matrix trilogy, Life Less Ordinary, Transporter. Trainspotting, 28 days later, Dawn of the Dead. Kill Bill 1 and 2. Val Helsing. The last Samurai, Fight Club, Death to Smoochie, The Game, Dont Say a Word, La Femme NIkkita,Dogma, Clerks , Jay and Silent Bob Stricks Back. Donnie Darko, Edward Sccisor hands. From Hell. Let me sum it up here...way to many . I love horror ,Foreign and comedy... width="425" height="350" ..divChelseaMS
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