lovable idiot.
Hey Pete,I just wanted to share with you this recent anecdote from my trip to Belgium. We were hanging out at the Delerium Cafe in Brussels. They hold the Guinness World Record for biggest beer selection at at least 2004. We were always hanging out in the Delerium cafe in Brussels. We got to know the bartenders.The second nght there we met some beeradvocates and general beer afficianados. One was a brewer in Portsmouth, Mike. He was really nice. the other guy, Logan, was kind of a jackass, but not in any terribly offending way. I told him I was on beeradvocate.com and he kept asking me stupid shit like, "How many beers have you reviewed? I've reviewed 2,085. How many breweries have you been to?" That kinds of shit.Eventually I came to learn that he was from Denver. I said, " Oh Denver's a really fun town." And proceeded to chat him up about Coors Field and microbrews and stuff like that, and then I laid it on him."Yeah, I was in Denver last May," I said, pausing for effect, "for the Modern Drunkard Convention."His eyes widened as he looked at me in disbelief."You're fucking crazy!"