The mission statement of St. Paul College, Pasig derives its wisdom and inspiration not only from its founders, but also from the example of its patron saint, St. Paul, a man no one else has ever been more unselfish than. He had cast out the old Saul to beget a new self. "I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me."We, in ST. PAUL COLLEGE, PASIG, commit ourselves to the apostolic concern of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres in the Philippines which is sharing in the mission of the Church to proclaim Jesus Christ as the Good News to all men with conscious regard for the deprived.Thus, we take it upon ourselves to seek the total formation of the person in the image of Christ through the harmonious integration of culture and faith.We strive to enable the Paulinian to value her dignity and worth as a person, to accept her role and responsibility in the building of a Christian community in a specific Philippine situation, and to witness to the primacy of final union with God her creator.
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