Matt Mazur profile picture

Matt Mazur

The differnce between courage and stupidity is success or failure

About Me

HRRRMMMM how to describe myself......Well for starters Im a bit of a retired adrenaline junkie. I can honestly say, and most of my closest friends can attest, I HAVE NO CLUE HOW IM STILL ALIVE TODAY. Over the years lost enough blood to stock your local bloddbank, had enough broken bones to make a full body collage from my x-ray pictures, had enough close to death experiences to make Darwin roll over in his grave and all in the name of "OOOOO that sounds like fun" or "...hey Mazur I bet you cant...."
I am married to an AWESOME woman who has spent a good 6 years breaking me of that blank look, thus stopping the "OOO check this out...." cycle from even starting. I havent been in a hosptial in over 2 years. I still find myself tempting fate time to time(especialy when shes not looking) and have never grown out of nekid bon fire jumping, keeps my sack "baby ass smooth" and saves me $$$ on razorblades :P
While at home im comfortably quiet and geared down, but put me in any social situation and Im a completly differnt person. There is no subject too taboo for me to make fun of, no challenge I will back down from (this really get me in trouble), not enough duct tape in the world to keep my mouth shut or enough chains to keep me from bouncing off the walls. I have always been a social butterfly and social gatherings always bring out the best (and sometimes worst) of my personality. Ive been jokingly nicknamed the "social dictator" by my buddies back home(still missing you guys and you know who you are) due to my somewhat "bullish" social demenor.
adopt your own virtual pet!
You Are Gonzo the Great
"Is something burning in here? Oh, it's just me."
You're a total nutball who will do anything for attention.
The first to take a dare, you'll pull almost any stunt.
You're one weird looking creature, but your chickens don't mind! The Muppet Personality Test
Your Aura is Orange
You're a bit of a loner, but you're never lonely. You know how to entertain yourself.
Whether you're trying an extreme sport or a new weird food, you always live on the edge.
The purpose of your life: testing limits - both physical and mental... and then telling people about it.
Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"I dunno, press the button and find out." What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?

My Interests

I LOVE off shore fishng and though I havent gone out with any regularity in a long while thats about to change. I recently found a local charter that goes out for 3 days at a time so I can see myself taking a few days off every month to reunite myself with one of my favorite hobbies. I'm also really big into paintball and play whenever I can get the boys together. I love the rush and the cuts and bruises I get 'cause I know when I get home Stef will give me tons of pity :DI also like to play World of Warcraft and X-Box 360 with my buddies on line when I get the chance. With all the new kick ass games that have been coming out on X-Box Ive been pretty much living in front of my TV playing Gears of War with my buddy Coup (real name is Kyle on my freinds list). We're still strugling to beat the damn game on INSANE lvl.


As the saying goes music feeds the soul and I can most definatly identify with that. My selections of music vary with my mood or the mood I wish to be in, however Blues are always at the top of my playlist favorites, followed by heavy metal, punk and techno.Offspring Videos | Movie Clips | Portland MLS


My top movie pics are Aliens, The Usual Suspects, Underworld, Super Troopers, Mystery Men, Dannie Darko and Kung Pow. I find it hard to resist a good cheezy comedy or a good sci-fi thriller.


Im not a big TV kinda guy, but when I do find the time to relax in front of the idiot box Im usualy wathing Adult Swim, Masterminds, Mythbusters, and Dexter.



I have to give my wife and her father the title of my hero's. Stef has a god given gift of relentless determination, intelligence and a beautiful imagination that I am envious of. Stef's dad is someone that I have looked up to as a mentor since the day I was introduced to him. This is a guy who never learned that somethings just cant be fixed.