*I kNoW I gOtTa sTaY sTrOnG, tHrOuGh AlL tHe PaIn We GoTtA mOvE oN*
About Me
get code @ MyHotCommentsI don't really know what to say. I'm from a very small town in sw kansas called Satanta....I am a very out going person. I like to meet new ppl, shop, hang out with friends and my niece(Nola), ride around,talk on the phone and just have a fun F'in time...I enjoy watching basketball with Doug. I have the best boyfriend ever!!! I also enjoy spending time my family...my family is number one in my life! When I am not in class, I work in the athletics department at SCCC, so if ur in town stop by and chat for a while..it can get boring at times. In my spair time I love playing sports and I most of all I gotta love my boys the Texas Longhorns and the Dallas Cowboys love layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments