~BuTtErCuP~ profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

~My name is Destiny~
~I am 23 years old~
~I am originally from San Antonio,~
~I'm not married~
~i have No kids yet~
~My mom is the best person in the WORLD~
~I will do anything for my family~
~My bestest girl friend is Charlie~
~My bestest friend in the whole wided world is ADAM~
~I cry at sad movies~
~I can give a shit what people think of me~
~I miss my friends~
~I tend to be judgmental of people before I really get to know them~
~I LOVE to party~
~i lovez scary movies~
~i cry when im hungry/frustrated lol..~
~I'm not scared to die~
~I love to shoot Tequila and drink beer~
~I prefer bars than clubs~
~I have three brothers an a sister~
~I want to take over the world~
~I need to be on the computer less~
~I am verry hard-headed~
~Most of the time quick tempered~
~I hold my tongue to alot of things~
~I snort when I laugh too much~
~i have a big mouth~
~I cut my hair when i feel like it~
~i believe in ghosts~
~i sometimes drink too much~
~I love science~
~I am fascinated with stick people~
~I sleep as much as possible~
~ I Will be a shoulder to cry on when needed~
~I sometimes need a shoulder to lean on~
~I have many characteristics that are too long to describe~
~ i cant keep my hair one color for too long~
~i talk to myself~
~im scared of midgets an jello~
~i am the coolest person ever~
~i wish i could read peoples minds~
~anything else, Just ASk~

My Interests

My 22nd birthday !!!!!!
Cool Slideshows

I'd like to meet:

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i DoNt WaTcH mUcH t.V ....


HaHa.... I dOn'T kNoW hOw To ReAd :-)


mY mAmA !!! shes MY WORLD !!ME and MY G.Pa !!

My Blog

my 23rd B-day !!

hey people here are some pics from my b-day !! haha THANX !! ..> .. ..>...
Posted by ~BuTtErCuP~ on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 05:20:00 PST

St. Patty's Day

hey people!!! here are some pics from Pat O'Brians i really had a good time until all the DRAMA started some of us had a lil too much to drink haha but oo well i dont wanna get into that sto...
Posted by ~BuTtErCuP~ on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 09:36:00 PST

my birthday!!!

hey guys well i had Soooo much fun last night..I went out with some friends and family to the club for my 22nd b-day i really had a blast i got really drunk and fell on the dance floor haha i tho...
Posted by ~BuTtErCuP~ on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 04:07:00 PST