Myspace Layouts at / Soldiers on the Move
Im a True killer, a combat life saver and a Lover.I love my country, my family, and my friends. Would do just about anything for all three.
Myspace Layouts at / Soldiers on the Move
Im a True killer, a combat life saver and a Lover.I love my country, my family, and my friends. Would do just about anything for all three.stocks,cars,music,studies.military..
George Bush, Peter Petrais,Mel Gibson,Clint Eastwood,and the man who invented the Alarm clock, so i can kick him in his face
You Should Get a JD (Juris Doctor)
You're logical, driven, and ruthless.
You'd make a mighty fine lawyer.
What Advanced Degree Should You Get?
all kinds ..
Platoon,Saving private Ryan,A Beautiful Mind,Dead Presidents,All Will Ferrel movies.Dumb N Dumber,the godfather...
only show i follo... sopranos. luv it..
uhh books...
any one who stands up for what they believe. D-day vets.What kind of courage did it take to run that beach.405,000 died during D-day Vietnam vets.Bottom of the barrel,society lowest,killin just to stay alive.Hoping to c there family one more time.