Lucky nahh..just very Blessed♥ profile picture

Lucky nahh..just very Blessed♥

I'm back from the ARMY for 2 weeks!!!!

About Me

The Name is Keycha although my closest battles call me Cruzie. There’s only a few things that I can say about me and that is that I'm an emotional roller coster, I’m way to passionate about things at times. I may not be certain about much but I do know that I'm growing each day as a person and I won’t settle for anything then the best that is why I'm with the one man that shows me the same love and respect that I show him so this is for you baby I love you Steven Dyson♥ p.s. Oh if u didn’t notice I jump from one thing to another I can’t help it my mind is always full of different thoughts all at the same time. P.S.S Oh and for those who lost men(u know who u yall are)..don't act like u got someone better now b/c u lost something GREAT..u lost ME but u see I won, I not only gained self-worth but I also gained a MAN after getting rid of ALL THE BOYS that unfortunatly I had to give my all too before I met the man that is ACTUALLY WORTH ALL OF ME...Sorry loosers Game over I'm taken and lovin it.Oh and no these little females are not better than this EX ha..not conceded just know what I'm worth :-)Wish yall the best yall will need it.God Bless

This is my cousin Jeymi and well I love her so much she is younger then me but she is sooo wise and such a honest to God great person.She has been there for me even when I wasnt the best cousin to her and for that I am grateful she is kind and I can always count on her to be there to listen and give me advice and I hope one day I can do as much for her as she done for me.Love ya Jeymi ur the best♥
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My Interests

School and Dance...

I'd like to meet:



Everything!!!Music is my life
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HITCH,A walk to Remember,RENT,The Notebook and well anything that either makes me laugh or cry. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


If it makes me go back while I am browsing through channels.I'll watch it but FRIENDS and Sex and the City are my ultimate favorites♥


Anything by Nicholas Sparks and of course the bible. - Free Quizzes


GOD,my mom,Dyson who is Brave enough to Volunteer and all my wonderful battle buddies who are fighting for our country here and overseas.I pray everyday that God protects all of you and bring you back home safe and sound.I love yall.Special shout out to Cuevas,Vega,Charleston,Girgsky,Camarena,Conley,Kamara,Carbon e,Bev,Erin,Lopez,Muchette,Arce anyone else thats overseas,I love yall and miss yall a bunch.

My Blog

me a soldier now and forever in my heart

 I am crazy,funny,hard working,love to party, dorky,love my family, smart,cute,love to lay in bed w/my hubby and in love what else can I say that's just me.May God BlessP.S...sometimes you must L...
Posted by Lucky nahh..just very Blessed♥ on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 07:39:00 PST