Poetry,Helping people, Sports,Pain&Pleasure, vampires, Earth Science, Animals.
Sex Preference
Top or Bottom Bottom
Morning or Night Night
Lights on or off Off
Touching or kissing Both
Giver or Reciever Both
Nice & slow or Rough & fast depends
Bitting or Kissing Bitting but both
Scratching or tickling scratching
Grabbing or caressing caressing
loud or quite don't care
Drunk or Sober Sober
Outside or Inside Inside
Standing up or laying down both
Pain or Pleasure Pain is pleasure
A Break or straight straight
Under or on top of the covers doesn't matter
Clothes on or off OFF
Good or Bad
Foreplay Great
Whipped Cream Great
Fudge ok
One night stand Bad
Booty calls depends
pillow bitting Bad
Long toe nails Bad
Sex toys Whips and handcffs
Ashy elbows Bad
Soft Skin Good
Music Good
Your inner sex gender: Male
For you, sex is a highly physical act. It's all about how good it makes your body feel. And while sex with someone you care about is great - it's not a requirement. You know that sex with a stranger can be hot, sometimes hotter than sex with someone you love. Besides, when it comes to sex - you crave varity. If your lover doesn't offer it, you might look elsewhere.
'What is your Inner Sex Gender?' at QuizUniverse.com
You have a Seductive Bedroom Personality!
You are all about the classic seductive style. You can get almost anyone to hop into bed with you based on your charm alone. You are incredible at reading people and know just how to give everyone you sleep with a unique experience.
'What's your Bedroom Personality?' at QuizUniverse.comMusic Video: EROTICA (by Madonna)
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whip (eliza dushku)
Add to My Profile | More VideosMichael Jackson,William Shakespeare, Prince,Van Gough, James Marsters,Eliza Dusku,Jacquline Carey, My soul Mate/object
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href="http://quiz.myyearbook.com/zenhex/quiz.php?id=13635" Your Vampire BoyFriend (PIX)
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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R&B, Rap, Hip Hop,Rock
Micheal Jackson,Janet Jackson,Nickleback, Madonna,Evanescence, Maroon5,Creed,Toni Braxton,Luduacris,DMX,Michelle Branch,LinkinPark,
Daughtry,Jagged Edge,The Isley Brothers,Red Hot Chili Peppers,
Nine Inch Nails,Bryan Adams,The Beatles
Anything good. Lion King,UnderworldEvolutions,Titanic,Underworld, Tristan&Isolde" Blade,Cruel Intentions,Lord Of The Ring(all),Pirates of the Caribbean(all),Rent,All Disney Movies,Interview with a vampire,Shakespeare In Love,August Rush,Killing Me softly
Buffy The Vampire Slayer,Angel,Will and Grace,Charmed, House,Bones,One Tree Hill,The L Word,Family Guy,south Park
Daughtry's It's Not Over - The Spuffy Story (S6/S7)
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William Shakespheare,EdgarAllanPoe,All Poems,Jacqueline Carey(The Chosen),L.A. Banks(The Bitten),James Patterson, Lisa Lawerence(Beg Me),Harry Potter(4-7)Johanna Lindsey
Jesus,God, Mother Teresa