Booty shakin', live music, drinking, raising kids, workin' roots
Holohologirl, John from Khrinj, Woody Harelson, Jack Johnson, Voodoo Suns, Murray Thorne
real hip hop, alt-country, alternative, rockabilly, ska, bluegrass, country
Die Hard 1, 2, & 3, As Good as it Gets, Whale Rider, Fight Club, Raiders of the Lost Ark (all of 'em), Momento, Lawerence of Arabia, The Good Girl, Donnie Darko, Endless Summer, LOTR 1,2,3, Star Wars (the old ones)
Will & Grace, Friends, 6 Feet Under, AbFab, Are you being served?, The Young Ones, Faulty Towers, Big Love, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Real World, Road Rules, How do I look?
The Road Less Traveled, Jitterbug Perfume, Watership Down, Little House on the Prairie, Sex for the Single Parent, Boy Called It, Koran, The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews, Praire Home Companion
Wolverine, Rosa Parks, Robert Mapplethorpe, David and Amy Sedaris, MLK, James Connolly, Bobby Sands