Hockey soccer hangen out with my friends music (no talent here just enjoy it) running (i no its weird) Manchester United Real Madrid SJ Earthquakes SJ Sharks My amazing girlfriend Angela
For celeberties: Natalie Portman or Adrianna Lima because the obvious
Well, u-- um, can we come up and have a look?
What Monty Python Character are you?
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COmedies MOnty Python and the search for the holy grail (my favorite comedy if u havent seen it ill rent it to u.) Life of Bryan Meaning Of Life Austin Powers 1 2 3 Rat Race Napoleon Dynamite AMerican Pie Adam Sandler Eurotrip
Family Guy, Seinfield, Soccer, Hockey
I dont read much usually just for school but After the First Death was good and Da Vinci Code was hella good but JOY LUCK CLUB is gay!!!!
Ruud Van Nisteroy (My favorite player) David Beckham (Best passer in the world) Rio Ferdinand (Man Utd. Sweeper) Damien Duff (Chealsea Forward) Lance Armstrong Jeff Pledger (best running coach ive had) MJ Dean Karankes (the guy who wants to run 300 miles straight) and most importantly my brother Ed............................. ............................................................ .. ............................................................ . who says soccer isnt hardcore look at this
Soccer Fight