Lini profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / No name

I like girls but not all girls, i like some boys but not most boys, i like my G--tar but not when its broken, i like my snow board but only when i cant use it, i like music but only when its music i like, i like films as long as its not slasher B types, i like to see new places as long as it's places i want to see, i like passion as long as its passion of the right kind, i like photo's but only photo's that mean something to me, i like sunny days but only if am not stuck inside, i like kissing in the rain but only if it's some one that mean something to me, I like to forgive but only if that person is worth forgiving. Tend to be a bit of a realist, but still love to dream. Can be a loner but still love company, tend to be sensible and organised ( these day's), but can be the most random person ever and just do something on a whim. I guess what am trying to say i am a walking contradiction, but at least it keep's my life intresting. I like alot of things but only under certain situations. Apart from Jen, i like her most the time, any time, all the time. Thats one less contradiction i need to live.Dislike'sPeople who think the can "read me like a book"...Never finding an answer...Being lost...Being enclosed...Not being able to mend a broken heart(not necessary mine).As i am made of metal apparentley!

My Interests

boxing (feel the rage!), going to the gym, music, music, music, art and design loooove it, playing my g-tar, snowboarding, road trips and camping in one.festival's and gig's, crashing my car or being crashed into should i say. 4 stroke's for linage so far, no really it's becoming a hobby for me,hanging with my mates generally being random.

I'd like to meet:

like minded people... pepole who belive and support fair trade, supporters of organic clothing ( it is the way forward), vegan and veggi friendly folks. Pepole who like to live and think out side the box, come on guys have your owns passions and views don't be a sheep to the masses. Peeps who have a passion for music, film and fashion ( and by fashion i mean there own fashion be a FASHION LOVER not a fashion victim.


the distillers, the dresden dolls, the yeah yeah yeahs, jimmy eat world, fall out boy, pink, the used, soundgarden, placebo, lost prophets, unwritten law, weezer, taking back sunday, be good tanyas, imogen heap, panic at the disco, all american rejects, pj harvey, gwen stef, juliette & the licks, green day, nirvana, cinephile, my chemical romance, rancid, the organ, hello goodbye,shinny toy guns, run kid run,the gossip,two thirds of youth, quiet drive, a change of pace, the red jumpsuit apparatus, the postal service,,angels and airwaves,paramore, the academy is, so much i like i cant fit it in.


girl interrupted...brokedown palace...empire records...domino( just for the fact kiera knightly is so fucking hot in it, offt)...the fast and the furious...tank girl...gone in 60 crush...swat...girl fight... gia... million dollar baby... 8 mile... the sweetest thing... broke back mountain... go... fear and loathing in las vagas...loads and loads, can't list them all, have shelves of the fuckers...


friends, scrubs, smallville, without a trace, the oc, will and grace, lost, er, l word ...pretty much anything on ch4, e4 or the likes...


not so fussed for reading - like books on art, graphic design, photography, love books on street art it rocks... ( mmmmmmmmm pretty picture's, *am creative not an intellectual*)


My friend's who stand by me and take the good with the bad. You need a fucken medal guys!

My Blog


I'm skinny, so I must be bulemic or anorexic.I'm emo, so I must cut my wrists.I'm black, so I must be on welfare.I'm Hispanic, so I must be dirty.I'm Asian, so I must love math.I'm Jewish, so I must b...
Posted by Lini on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 02:39:00 PST

funny how song's reflect your thought's!

" Just drifting from place to place   always looking for a little breathing space   Packing up my things every other day   always moving on to find another way   People c...
Posted by Lini on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 11:50:00 PST