Contact Tables
Randoms Very Random by lovelybrook
what was your fav cartoon when you were a kid??: Carebears
Who was your first love?: not tellin lol
If you were a number between 1-25 which one would you be?: 26 :P
What would you consider your fashion since to be?: eh dunno :S
Do you have a tattoo: yyeeessss!!
If so is it one that you wish you could get rid of??: not at all
How many music devices do you have in your house?: 5
what is your fave food?: chips!
UM... what color pen would you rather use?: black
What is your fave football team?: CELTIC!!!!
(lil'wayne) lollipop or So What (Pink): OMG Lollipop deffo! sexy! heehee
which movie__ full metal jacket or super troopers (quotes): full metal jacket
BlackBerry or Iphone: iphone
plasma TV 60"or big bulky 105" TV: plasma 60"
What bill's would you pay first?:
Electric and Phone:
Water and Electric:
or NONE or the above:
What is your Animals Name if you have one?: griffin
What Kinda Car do You Drive?: i wish i could drive lol
How Many Siblings do you Have.: 1
What Kinda Car Do Your Parents Drive?: dunno
Is this Creepy?: a bit aye
What Day Is Your Birthday On???: guess
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