being with the fam. playing cards. listening to music. drawing. being bored. playing fightnight with the boyz.
the person that invented Spiced Apple Febreeze....MMmmmmm YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMeH!
ANything that makes my tummy jiggle! WhoOOoo HOooo Go Rollie Pollie!
HITCH...ALL TIME FAV on that one! cable got disconnected. So i guess the black screen since i don't have anything else to stare at but black screen when i push the *power* button on. *sighz*
Dr Seuss Fa SHO
i gotta think about this one real hard.....*thinks hard....ConstiPatinG hard* (20 seconds later) *BloOOoop* (a terd comes out)......I'd like to thank MY lil terd!! for making this all happen for me! i couldn't have done it without u poOoey! thanks for finally letting go hahahhaha....that's my hero! i don't like getting constipated!