People who are friendly, genuine, aren't judgemental and and who aren't afraid to just be themselves!!
Plus: Victor Davis (Died in 1989)
Rhett Warrener,
Jarome Iginla, Wayne Gretzky, Westlife, Keith Urban, Josh Jackson, Katie Holmes
And I would love to chat with other triplet moms out there!!
Anything and everything...except the real heavy stuff
The Slipper & The Rose, Moulin Rouge, Lord of the Rings Triology, Pirates of the Caribbean (both), The Notebook, The Passion, Cry Freedom, Star Wars (I like the original 3 the best, followed by prequels III, I and II)
How I Met Your Mother, Father Ted, Dawson's Creek, Gilmore Girls, CSI (All of them), Law & Order (All of them), and I'm a reality tv junkie. I watch Survivor, The Amazing Race, Laguna Beach, 8th & Ocean, Last Comic Standing, Canadian/American Idol, America's/Canada's Next Top Model, So you think you can dance...And I can't forget the 'classics' like Beverly Hills 90210, CHiPS, Neighbours, The A Team, MaGyver, Hart to Hart, Knight Rider, Simon & Simon Then of course, there's my ultimate fave: HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA!!!
Watership Down, Purpose Driven Life, Circle of Friends, Angela's Ashes, Westlife Fan Fiction (which made me a published author!!)
God, Jesus Christ, my husband, my kids, my parents, my brother, my BFF