I can be insecure arrogant asshole sometimes when I am not in my best of me. But, most of the time, I am learning the best I can about social norms in everywhere I am to be, God knows how much I hate it, therefore, making everyone in good mood, positive, proud and happy. I can be the man with most wits in the whole universe and my depression level is at all time low, but, you will forget all the fun because I just pissed you off one minute ago.
I may try too hard to keep it funny, while you think it's silly, I think you are retard. I won't tell you that because I am trying so hard to be a better person, so, I'll just give up and change the subject. I won't repeat it also. Best jokes are spontaneous and I'm no good in telling story. That's when you see my mischievous smile.
When my father side is nurtured accidentally, I keep on and on in giving you advice, you think I am changed man with all my maturity. But, that's happened if you have seen so much in a very short period of time. You end up hating me for being so harsh and blunt, but, that's what we need sometimes, a little kick in the ass. And, you deserve the best, you'll thank me later on in your life. Cuz, I'm your dad and I'm going to take disciplinary actions on you.
While I keep bragging on my intellectuality, the truth is I am still learning everyday and I'd like to challenge you on what's the better way to do it. I'm a bit of knowledge junkie. That's why you like to talk to me for my idea is outrageous.
Well, I just love people and adventure, it could be a short trip to parking lot or long vacation to Central Asia.
Good deeds will not go unpunished.
If you think you like me already, let me know the craziest-smartest thing you've done.