Jeremy profile picture


hey your zipper is down!!!!

About Me

Potentially the least posh person that you will ever not meet, greet, my favorite sweat, I don't know, just about any tasty treat. Sit back take a seat, bear with me because I am not so neat. I'm at a loss for words, Hmm that just might be me trying to delete the devilish madness from which we all try to retreat. Trees, Seas, a nice warm breeze listening to the buzzing bees, blah blah blah we are all listening to the same old thing constanly questioning what makes us sing. I gallantly decided one day in a land far far away that I was going to "FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT" but all that I end up doing is going out again tonight. Anyway did you ever hear of a spork it is a half spoon half fork, a friend of mine gave me this million dollar idea. His Idea goes as such, "I will make a million of these sporks "half spoon half fork''and sell them all at a dollar a peice. There is my million" he says. Damn I just gave away the idea. That right there tells you my life story. I am trying to make a million dollars off of sporks "half spoon half fork", and if you believe that you are worse than me. To be truthful I am just a 22 year old graduate of the shittiest college in the world. Working for the "man'' and soon to become a boss at one of the most luxurious earth saving company in the Kansas. and if you understand that luxurious does not go with earth saving than you understand me.

My Interests


Some of the favorites that I have ever read, Beloved Vagabond, Lion witch and the wardrobe series, of course Lord of the Rings, Rats of nimph, The Teachings of Don Juan, Lord of the Flies, Dostoyovski, Poe, 1984, Brave New World,