I love to read, dance, have good company and play. I tinker with the piano/keyboard for enjoyment. I enjoy making short videos, sharing my personal adventure stories. If your not full of shit I'll even shut up and listen sometimes.
the one I was meant to know
Coldplay, Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens, Audioslave, Vangellis, Art of Noise, Nelly, if it's unique, motivating or poetic I'm in. Repetitious garbage is just that.
Flashdance. Metropolis by Friz Lang 1925/1926. Blade Runner. Night of the Living Dead. Return of the Jedi. Alien. 2001. Goonies. Red Dawn. Last of the Mohicans. Cold Mountain. Princess Bride. The Notebook. Rushmore.
1984 by George Orwell I love my Shakespeare. I'm always reading something new.