Movies, reading, music, singing in the shower, going out with the boys, even more with the girls, talking and any form of communication. Keeping tite friendships, thats all that matters in the world innit
Johhny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Kid Rock, Bruce willis, George bush ( to fuckin punch his lights out!) and the president of the Phillipines! And so many other people. And of course the funny ones like Dave Chappelle, All the Wayans Bros and Jamie Foxx!
Rock, R'n'B, hip hop, bit of rap, some famous classical, sould and basically anything outside of heavy metal and excessive techno.
Mr and MRs smith (gotta love it), The matador, The revolver, Italian job, Oceans 11 and 12, Secter windoe, pirates of the carrebean, X-men 1,2 and 3, harry petter, Lord of the rings, Series of unfrotunate events, Da vinci code, finding forrester, I am sam (always makes me cry), and so so so so so so so so so so many others
Greys anatomy, 24, MI5, CSI, all of em, Navy NCSI, 2 and a half men, Stankervision, smallville, 4 kings and so many other things.
Da vinci code, season in pergatory, digital fortress, deception point, and loads of others who's names I care bot to remember right now.
Angelina Jolie and Dakota fanning ( van't believ how young she iz and so successful.)