Reading, Writing, acting, inciting riots, and plotting something new...and better
Radicals, thoughful people, beautiful ladies, and a person who can drink me under a table...
Voices around the fire...
Anything by Akira Akurosawa, Terrence Mallick, and Orsen Wells. Those three could film a donkey taking a dump..and I'd tune right in!
Invisable man by Ralph Ellison, Song of Soloman by Toni Morrison, Soledad Brother by George Jackson. Those are the ones that where life changing. Include all of Orwells works, and Noam Chomsky...and we get a sniff of what it's like to be me.
Malcom X, Che, Gandi, Emma Goldman, Geronimo, Harriet Tubman, John Brown, Ericco Malatesta, Nestor Mahkno, Durruti, Sabate, Bob Marley, Volteryne, Lao Tzu, Amilcar Cabral, Nat Turner, Thomas Paine, John Lennon, Subcomandante Marcos, Historically acurate Jesus and the nameless many who don't have books or holidays for their struggle...we will always wage war against forgetting.