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the TZA

I'm not arrogant. I'm just intellectually superior to most people.

About Me

[] In.A.Nutshell []
I =
A vain and occasionally reverie-absorbed creature who is too seldom accused of predictability and too often accused of caring too much. I am absolutely incapable of apathy, it seems; and that is my strongest vice.
My passions in life are many and diverse. I currently aspire to write, to sing, and to study psychology....but my aspirations [and obsessions] ebb and flow like the tides, and I am seldom the same from one week to the next.
I'm articulate and amusing, and by extension easily amused. But I will never mistake pompous eloquence for intelligence and/or wit; that is my solemn promise to you.
Some might say I'm judgmental. And they might be right. Some might say I'm open-minded and tolerant. They might be right, also. Either way, I'm a dark-type Gemini who avoids solitude and cigarettes like the plague. I'm over-loyal to my friends and standardly unforgiving of my enemies (who number very few, I should say). I just know we'll get along.
[] I'm.Not.Impressed.By []
-cocky little teenagers
-pushy religious or political zealots
-pushy people in general
-misapplied apostrophes
-spelling words with numbers
-the anime/Japan-obsessed
[] I'm.fairly.Impressed.By []
-good taste in music
-the sexually aware
-people who choose not to talk when they have nothing worth saying
This list is being constantly populated, as my motivation ebbs and flows.
A good traveller
has no fixed plans
and is not intent upon
- Lao Tzu (570-490 BC)

We'll see where I end up. Say hi if you're inclined.
[ a.i.m ] DeaTantegel
[ email ]

My Interests

Writing, reading, video games, philosophy, theology, ethics, opera, classical music, Shin Megami Tensei, Digital Devil Saga, engrossing stories, sex, erotica, fanfiction, Buddhism, randomness, depth, witty people, purposefully irritating pseudo-intellectuals, reading groups, animal rights, cute things, my cat Vivi, meteorology, obscure references, mythology, yaoi, the Sicilian Mafia and so on. My tastes are varied. You'd be better off talking to me to discover them.

I'd like to meet:



Celtic music of any kind, Kamelot, Vivaldi, Loreena McKennitt, Opeth, My Dying Bride, Delerium, Head Control System, video game soundtracks, Verdi, Pachelbel, Albinoni, Deanta, Cirque du Soleil, Leahy, Ronan Hardiman, Evanescence, Kelly Clarkson, Lacuna Coil, Heart, Devin Townsend, King Diamond, Therion, Ebony Tears, Autumn Tears, Star of Ash, Malice Mizer, Testament, Seal, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, The Kovenant, and the list goes on and on and on....I'm a music person.


Memoirs of a Geisha, The Last Samurai, A Clockwork Orange, Seven, Death Becomes Her, To Die For, Boondock Saints, Equilibrium, Saw, Saw II, Donnie Darko. Things along those lines. I'm only for comedy if it's not slapstick. And doesn't involve stoners.


Xiaolin Showdown, Dragonball Z, and other old cartoons that no one remembers (Samurai Pizza Cats, Darkwing Duck, et cetera). Lost is alright, but I haven't made a hobby out of it. Law and Order is a good show, but I always miss it. I loved The Practice, but it doesn't come on anymore. Grey's Anatomy was tolerable, but I lost track of the goings-on. TV is mostly background noise for me.


Anything Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, Tanith Lee, or David Morrell. Dante Aligheri, Joyce Carol Oates, Albert Camus, Emily Bronte...and those with similar styles. Well-written genre fiction is hard to come by, so I'm selective about it. I like things with depth; stories with dramatic, often sad, beginnings and endings, or anything that includes a wealth of knowledge about some unconventional topic. Anything with some type of religious theme is a winner. Otherwise, I stick to nonfiction.


Chase Young. Now there is a professional BAMF.

My Blog

musings at the end of the day

in the loss of my shift key, i have determined that capitalization for the sake of...[showing that i know how to do it?] being grammatically correct is too much of a hassle to bother with. i am a self...
Posted by the TZA on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 04:57:00 PST

latest puzzlement

I was coming out of the office today and I saw a teeny tiny fuzzy caterpillar crawling along the sidewalk. The thought of someone stepping on it while walking into the leasing office saddened
Posted by the TZA on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 12:52:00 PST

new blogs on vox

So yeah. Go there.
Posted by the TZA on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 05:26:00 PST

Vox'm moving there. Because I like it better.I hope you, my curious little friend, will follow me....
Posted by the TZA on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 11:17:00 PST


I am. Mucho. =(
Posted by the TZA on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 01:41:00 PST

myspace is my bad habit

So I think I'm going to try to break it. =)
Posted by the TZA on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 06:37:00 PST

tender sleeplessness

I'm back to my old insomniac habits, now that the computer has been fixed (however temporarily, we'll see). Hormonal and restless = bad combination. Little more to relay. I spend a lot of time worryi...
Posted by the TZA on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 03:30:00 PST

don't read this

The soundtrack to the evening: A Mháire Bhruinneall - Susan McKeown Something about Gaelic calms my soul when it starts to ache. Must be my inner Celt. Won't someone take me to Galway...? I will love ...
Posted by the TZA on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 12:14:00 PST

all roads lead to you....

Here is my heart,I give it to you.Take me with you across this land.These are my dreams, So simple and few;Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands.Screw losing cool points. I have fallen....hard. I am...
Posted by the TZA on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 09:05:00 PST

an ode to the pompous....

Arrogance, when used in conjunction with closed-minded, blind submission to mainstream societal preachings, is not an attractive quality. If a negative perspective and illogical/unrequested disapprova...
Posted by the TZA on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 11:39:00 PST