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My Interests


Opeth, Malefik, Bloodbath, Bathory, Darkthrone, Death, Dissection, Annihilator, Morbid Angel, Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, Emperor, Old mans child, Scar Symmetry, Gorgoroth, Naglfar, Illnath, King Diamond, Children of Bodom, Unearth, Megadeth, Darkane, Metallica, Saturnus, Arch enemy, Within Temptation, Slayer, Pantera, Rammstein, Blackmore's Night, Camel, Jose Gonzalez, Porcupine tree, Katatonia, Helium Vola, Johan Sebastian Bach, Des Geyers schwarzer Haufen, Virelai, James Brown, Dean Martin, Duke Ellington, Frank Sinatra, Mr. Jones, and the various motion picture soundtracks...


The Thing, The Elephantman, Corpse bride, Ravenous, Alien, Dog soldiers, Hostel, The Haunting (1963), Saw, The Exorcist, Predator, The howling, Braveheart, The lord of the rings, Conan the barbarian, An american werewolf in London.


Fleksnes! (Norway)


Terry Pratchett: The Discworld books
Larry Niven: Neutron star
20,000 Leagues under the sea
Dark moon
Birth of the firebringer
The son of summer stars
HP lovecraft: At the mountains of madness
The Alien & Predator books
The sea of trolls.