FAVORITE PASTIMES: making a complete and total ass of myself, being misunderstood, pursuing unrequited love, SUBJECTS of INTEREST: all things samurai, astronomy/physics, mythology, comics, writing, horror movies (having the shit scared out of me), texas holdem, raquetball
myself past, present, and future. LIVING- Dalai Lama, Stephen Hawking, Alan Moore, Michael Jordan, Shakira DEAD- Einstein, Akira Kurosawa, Lao Tzu, Joseph Cambell
by genre: JAPANESE/ASIAN HORROR- Ring trilogy, the grudge, the eye1&2, dark water, audition, ichi the killer, and so on (anything directed by Hideo Nakata, Takashi Miike, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Takashi Shimizu) AMERICAN HORROR- Romero's living dead series, evil dead series, nightmare on elm st 1&2, amityville horror, texas chainsaw massacre, poltergeist, the excorcist, the shining, rosemary's baby... Alien series, 28 days later (fucking awesome and not american), session 9, the ring, hostle, cube , seven FOREIGN- Seven Samurai, Madadayo, Hidden Fortress, Yojimbo, anything by Akira Kurosawa, Solaris and the Sacrifice (Andrei Tarkovsky), house of flying daggers and hero (Yimou Zhang) SCI-FI/FANTASY/COMIC- the dark crystal, the princess bride, SOYLENT GREEN, LOTR, SW 4-6, superman, mystery men, sin city, the matrix, COMEDY- SPACEBALLS!!!!!! brain candy, office space, best in show, airplane 1&2 DRAMATIC/ACTION/MISC- joy luck club, life is beautiful, glory, shawshank redemption, black hawk down, die hard ANIMATED- Akira, Ghost in the Shell,
don't watch regularly enough to have a favorite. prefer movies.
Tao Te Ching, Dancing Wu Li Masters, Elegant Universe, Brief history of time, the masks of god, hero with a thousand faces, watchmen, the dark knight returns, the killing joke, arkham asylum, the gas we pass, everybody poops
the Tick. other than him fuck heroes, villians are much better written and way cooler (real or fiction).
E-Pro's Details
Here for: friends & fun conversations
Orientation: Straight
Body type: 5' 7" / Slim / Slender
Ethnicity: Latino / Hispanic
Religion: pondering the nature & fate of the universe
Zodiac Sign: Pisces/ Tiger (Chinese Zodiac)
Smoke / Drink: Never / black & tan
Children: Proud parent of Alexander & Orion
Occupation: mad scientist
Income: still not paid what I'm worth