Exercising, photography, music, porn, movies, yoga, long baths, the beach, the redwoods, health food, astrology, psychology, late nights, SEX, the male and female body--and I've been introduced to myspace, so it's a new interest //// SMOKING ///
People with their own unique energy and interests //// More girls that chain smoke ! ////
I'm picky - I'll get to this at some point //// Right now I'm listening to a lot of hip hop //// Some of my friends on my page also make some great music ////
Anything with substance //// PORN ////
I read poetry books, non fiction books, photography books, cooking books, psychology books, biographies, girlie magazines and porn ////
Gods and Goddesses //// Photographers ////Poets //// Writers //// Musicians //// Porn Stars //// Actors //// Smoke Girls ////