Movie making, cartoons, writing screenplays, penguin hunting, paddel ball or is that one word. Paddleball. I dont know. I also like climbing on the roof and staring at the stars. I also like arguing with the voices in my head.
Everyone on Earth so that I can prove that I am one of a kind.
Classical (Beethoven and the 1912 Overturn) and Rock (3 Days Grace and 30 Second to Mars).
My own. Just click my videos and tkae a look for yourself. I also like Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure and Monty Pyhton and the Holy Grail.
What can I say. Where else would I learn my ABG's.
Max Brooks The Zombie Survival Guide. World War Z by Max Brooks and all other books in print
Jackie Chan, Serj tankian, the blues brothers, Sora and Roxas, and of course how could i forget the stay puft marshmellow man. i also love my mom and dad. but not my evil sister. my brother is ok.