Partytime, secret cigarettes, drinking tea, singing 'fa-fa-fa-fa-fa', utillising my lovely staff discount, drinking tea, being ladylike, being as unladylike as possible, eating, free lunch, snuggling, saying words like 'ooze' with fantastically elongated vowels, talking too much, being chatted up by black men (evidently), Corporation Popping, albeit not so much that I'm sick anymore, spending my life on trains, planes and in automobiles, picnics, David Byrne's dance moves, cider and black, wine, 'Twice, TWIICE!', cocktails, singing on the way to the trainstation, music that makes me happy, sad, danceable or just generally feel something. And of course, passing out in a stupor.
People who share my love for shit tv, shit food etc etc
Its quite fair to say that I like music. Music including Talking Heads, Arcade Fire, Jackie Wilson, Blonde Redhead, Interpol, Modernaire, Bloc Party, Kings of Leon, The Knife, Joy Division, Gideon Conn, Sonic Youth, Smashing Pumpkins, and of course the godly PJ Harvey, who has to be a musical genius. I also seem to get really soppy when I listen to Elbow nowadays, especially 'Newborn' because it reminds me of Paul singing 'I'll lick the snot off your septum' when I have a cold. In the nicest possible way.
24 Hour Party People, Shallow Hal, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind because it's nice, Breakfast At Tiffany's.
Peep Show. Monkey Dust. League Of Gentlemen. Nighty Night. Coronation Street. JEKYLL.
Perfume, 1984, Girlfriend In A Coma, The Bitch Godess Notebook, Fierce People, Gossipgirl, Trainspotting, Last Exit To Brooklyn, Life Isn't All Ha Ha Hee Hee, Anita And Me.
Regine Chassagne, if only for the dancing.