-berto profile picture


spring cleaning.

About Me

Laid back and easy going, I tend to take life as it is. Outwardly I am your typical jeans and a t-shirt type of guy. Deeper thoughts can prevail however and I can be extremely cynical and sarcastic. I try to punctuate things with humor and try to understand that there are two or more sides to every story. I like to think that everything happens for a reason, and everyone is connected in some way, and there is a purpose for all that exists. Although this can lead to indecision on my part, I like to think there are insights to be gained by considering another's point of view, and the best decisions are made when all cards are on the table. At it's best, this means I am the trusted goto guy when people need or want my opinion or thoughts on something that bothers them. At it's worse, it means one of my friends will grow impatient with my indecision, and drag me kicking and screaming to do something I will probably like, if not at first, then later on, and will be for my own good.

In general, life is only worth living as long as the inner 6 year old inside you is well nourished, remains curious, tries again despite past failures, and has no shame in laughing at or being laughed at. Recess is perpetual, and no care in the world exists other than lunch and naptime. No matter what happens in life, nourish the inner child in you, because once your inner 6 year old grows up, grows old, or runs away, at that point, it's clock-watching until death.

How old is your soul?
Your soul is as old as the hills. Your have lived more lives than you probably should have... maybe because of an important lesson not yet learned. Your soul has seen the human race rise and fall so many times because of a misjudgement and the unknown. Your goal in life is to learn as much as you possibly can about anything and everything, keeping your closest friends and family at arms length. This is probably one of your last lives. You may have one more before you souls journey is complete.
Take this quiz !

My Interests

road trips, train trips, biking, Asian food (YUM!), 24 hour diners, hot dog shacks, Illini Basketball, NCAA March Madness, Chicago White Sox (Wrigley has better hot dogs though), Toronto, Las Vegas, mp3 mashups, laptops, Jeeps (even though I drive a flex-fuel Ford), photography, paintball, history and current events, collecting useless facts, random thoughts, deep thoughts, spirituality (not necessarily relgious), the unknown or absurd, deep random thoughts that make people go 'you have a point, but what the f**k?'

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who likes to try new food (or grazing at old standbys), doesn't mind being seen at an '80s hairband concert, can appreciate Vegas for what it is, likes the concept of visiting Canada in winter, and has an open attitude towards life in general.

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Nine Inch Nails, Gwen/No Doubt, OMD, Depeche Mode, Classic Rock, most music from the 80's and 90's, Chicago House Music, and MP3 mashups/mixes that I find ... ....


The Blues Brothers, The Matrix, Lost in Translation, Kill Bill 1&2, Sin City, Casino, Kontroll, Donnie Darko, Ghost in the Shell, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Eye.


News junkie by day, sports or PBS by night. I really don't watch tv that much, and could gladly live without it.


100 Years of Solitude, Great Gatsby, Animal Farm, 1984, and Macbeth are the four books that left a deep impression on me. I revisit them from time to time. One of these days I will finish War and Peace, but that book is a curse to me. Each time I try to start reading it again, I switch jobs for some reason.


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