monica profile picture


Step aside Princess, cuz here come's the Queen!

About Me

Im 34 years old... living the single life which i enjoy at times...sometimes, i mean which would i rather be, married and bored or single and lonely... umm, yea single and lonely to me is like an ocean wave, the tide goes up and then calms down.. i always meet people, i dont date that often, but when i do it is nice to enjoy the moment, because you dont know when its time to go.. Well enough with the melodrama.. Im funny and goofy, nerdy and spontanous.. my friends know me that way... i like to joke around alot and not take life too seriously. im just real. not trying to be someone that im not, like alot of people in la.. i love to enjoy life to the fullest, in october, which will be next month i will be going on a cruise to mexico, and i will be partying my ass off. and eating escargo.. which taste funny..besides that. at home i just love listening to all kinds of music, but when i want to relax i listen to beethoven. and read books, and rent videos, usually independent films...i love those.. i just love eating popcorn with mustard on it... its soo good..besides that. i love going out to clubs with my friends, and looking cute, so im very modest... he he he anyways any questions just ask..... Music Video Code provided by MySpace Video Code

My Interests

my interest involve going on cruises, movies, dancing, and reading interesting books....

I'd like to meet:

iam here to keep in contact with my friends, make new friends..but if i wanted to meet a man, he would have to be a nice guy... not someone that is sleepin with half of los angeles.... ouch!
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i like all types of music...from hip hop, to tranz, to jazz, to even country music... i like everything...


i love scary movies,,, my favorites are: amidiville, the texas chainsaw massacre, halloween 1&2 only. the blob, recent ones, the saw, the texas chainsaw massacre, the beginning....


dont watch tv really, reading books is more stimulating to my mind...I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!


Right now iam reading a facinating book called the Art of Speed Reading People, by Paul D.Tieger, my latest books... the manipulative man, and how to succeed with men.... very interesting books..



My Blog

My First Barbeque was a Sucess

Well, friends. i Threw my first barbeque at home and it was a success,, it consisted of carne asada, potatoe salad, black beans, and white rice, and tortillas... i cook... really good, im just lazy to...
Posted by monica on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 10:47:00 PST

Poetry for the Soul!

To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles. And by opposing end them? T...
Posted by monica on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 10:36:00 PST

Just spending my weekend watching the BLOB

this film is an old 80's classic... its about an old meteriorite that lands on a small town and starts eating people and everything in site... it kinda looks like jello, but really big... and the more...
Posted by monica on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 02:08:00 PST

my funny joke

The Babysitter Current mood: amused A boy is home with his babysitter on a stormy night when the boy says "Usually on a stormy night mommy lets me cuddle with her". The babysitter responds with "OK...
Posted by monica on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 12:48:00 PST