all sort of interest that involves F.U.N.,and i mean it in a good way...ok,just to mention a few, i love volleyball,basketball,billards,movies(with intellectual plots of course),muzzzzzziiiic that stirs up my interest,depending on what mood am in..
wholesome en sweet people who can contain my blabbering of just about anything...and those who are interested in being my buddy.=)
i thought i already said that?anyway, naming a few would be that of my fave artists-beyonce,sean paul,boyIImen,justinT.,josh groban,P.O.D.,(what a combination),--told ya,it depends on my mood...=)
Lord of the rings trilogy,matrix trilogy,kill bill,nothing's really stiring my neuron soup right now,i guess movies that require twisted brain activity...jejeje good movies in the whole though...
u mean the kind of television?i like samsung and philips tvs...hahaha i like mtv,cinemax,hbo...channels that showcases movies and trivia shows...and oh,i also dig discovery channel,it makes sense.=)
sydney sheldon,michael crichton,john grisham,larry niven,caleb carr,and oh,books by my aunt.
beyonce...what da!?=)well, got lots of them running in my head------ey! JESUS! he's my savior kze! at least i get to live 80 years or so....and powerpuff girls...they're little,cute,got superhuman powers(are they human by the way?),sweet, and they save the world b4 bedtime