Real change begins with the person who succeeds in instilling peace, order and harmony within himself...A coherent line of behaviour resulting from the harmonious link between thoughts, emotion and action, is to be found only in beings with exceptional strength ofcharacter, who are completely dedicated to a glorious cause.Art, self expression, life, joy, laughter, creativity, honesty and truth.
Creative Artists of every caliber and discipline to collaborate and share artistic experiences.Serious art collectors and anyone in need of creative services for every occasion.My godson...Solomon Mean Muggin...REPRESENT!!!
Only a man who has succeeded in improving himself can bring about the changes that will improve the world.The unconscious self is actually our human nature, our character which is hard to control, and to which all are subject who have not yet embarked on the spiritual life, the real work.
I work my whole life, I don't apologize to take care of my family. And I refuse to ge a fool!...dancing on the strings, held by all those...bigshots! I don't apologize...that's my life." Vito Corleone
You will be what you will to be; Let failure find its false content In that poor world, ‘environment.’ But spirit scorns it, and is free.It masters time, it conquers space; It cows that boastful trickster, Chance, And bids the tyrant Circumstance Uncrown, and fill a servant’s place.The human Will, that force unseen, The offspring of the deathless Soul, Can hew a way to any goal, Through walls of granite intervene.Be not impatient in delay, But wait as one who understands; When spirit rises and commands, The Gods are ready to obey.As A Man Thinketh - James Allen