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OppOrTuniTy dOes nOt cOme tO thOse whO waiT iT iS

About Me

sweetie lil' giRliSh, sHyType?! pRetty baby aNd siMply ROCKZ..!! that's wHat i kNow.. :) ..aNd kiNda S2pid bUt this stupid FweNd is One oF a milLiOn yOu caN aLwaYz lEan oN ..aLwaYz HaPPy, dOwN tO eaRth aNd neveR wiLL leT yoU dOwn,, be a tRue FreNdSter tO me aNd ill dO the SaMe tO yah.. But This cOOl cHicK HATES ragNarOk tOO muCh... iM a quiEt SCHOOL LAW BREAKER but aLwaYz oN tOp.. iM pRoUdLy piNoY! aNd can cOmpEte 'wiT aNy oTher imported laBel. im leVel- hEaded eNouGh tO loVe mY cOuNtry aNd aCCept watz WroNg 'wit iT aT the SaMe tYm. InStEad oF gEttiNg dePreSSed iWAnt tO chaNge thingz 4 d bEtTer. iM a ChaLLeNge-ReaDy cHicK iVe gOt thE keEN SeNse Of wHEn To aNaLyzE thiNgz aNd weN tO siMpLy tAke tHe pLuNge. iM sMart iN dRawIng thE line beTweeN aDveNtuROus aNd dANgerOuS, sMarT aNd silLy, FuN aNd fReaKy iN the bOttOm liNe... i've gOt it aLl tOgeTher,, RoCk oN!!! iM siMple eNoUgh Yet sTill deliverS tHAt mUcH needed BuZz. i have a sTrOng seNse oF seLf bUt iM nOt AfRaid tO tRy nEw thingz. i loVe tO miNgle and PaRty bUt aLwayz wiTh mY heaD scRewed On cOrreCtLy. iM a GreAt eNterTaiNer aNd an aUtheNtiC pEOple-pErsOn. iM aBsoluteLy a **kikay** hIghLy indiViduAl EspEsciAlY WhEn iT cOmEs To StYle. everYbOdy jUz adOreS mY eFFErvEsCene- tHat wAY i light uP the rOOm 'wiT mY megaWaTT pErsOnaliTy. i mAy be thE giRL's gIRL bUt nEver sCaRe thE bOyz aWay. i knOw how tO wOrk a rOOm aNd i've gOt the rIght aTTituDe. i'M a rIot tO be aROuNd- all fUn and gaMes, gigglEs and gUffawS. i'M sUch a jOy tO be 'wit THat bOyz aNd giRlz alike Can'T heLp but be dRawN tO me!! i knOw exActLy hOw tO cHEEr uP fRieNDz... LIFE is OfteN haRd tO deaL 'wit bUt mY sense Of hUmoR heLps me Not tO take it seriOusLy. My FamiLy and **sOme** frieNds fEEl verY blEsseD tO haVe sOmeOne spRead a 'lil mORe love anD lauGhter in theiR liveS.. **THAt'S mE!!!** iM eaRthY aNd adVentuROUs spiRit maKes me a peRfeCt caNdidatE fOr traveLLing thRu thE cOunTry bY caR. iM giRlizH-spOrtY aNd fUn-lOving pErsoNaliTy are waT makE mE THE ULTIMATE ROAD TRIP BUDDY. i caN aLso be a TOtal ICE QUEEN wheN i waNt tO bE!! i pErfeCteD the fLashIng eYes, the Raised eYeBrOwz, and thE iCy sNeer tHat seNdS thE messaGe thAt iM ANGRY!!! tHe pRobLeM is i dOnt exPlain WhY im aNgrY... iM a RoMaNtiC at hEart wHo's nOt eaSilY pUt doWn bY the paThOlEs i eNcoUnter oN the rOad tO mEEt my pRinCe cHarMing,,, im an optimiSt 'wiT a miLLiOn dAydReaMS w8iNg 2 cOme tRue... iF Yah gUyz want 2 be mY fReNd… juz aDd me: [email protected] ~~ neeD tO fLy hiGh..Bye!!!~~

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eveRyOne wOuld be cOOl..