Watching Tv and Movies, Malling, Eating, Acting, Playing Volleyball.
I LiKe pEopLe wHo aRe sWeEt, kiNd, cAriNg aNd r0mAnTic. pHysiCaLLy, i LiKe pEopLe wHo aRe cHiNiTo, hAs cUtE eYeS, taLL, and have a niCe diMpLeS, i LiKe pEopLe wHo aRe aLs0 sMaRt, aNd hAvE a g00d sEnSe oF hUm0r, wHo cAn mAkE mE LAuGh sPeCiaLLy, iN tiMeS oF mY miSeRiEs. i LiKe pEopLe wHo aRe cReAtiVe aNd iNtELLiGeNt, aLs0. aNy1 iS wELcOmE [email protected] _______0000000000______0000000000______ _____000________000__000________000____ ____000___________0000___________000___ ___000_____________00_____________000__ ___000____________________________000__ ___000____________________________000__ ____000__________________________000___ _____000________________________000____ ______000______________________000_____ ________000__________________000_______ __________000______________000_________ ____________000__________000___________ _______________000____000______________ _________________000000________________ ___________________00__________________call me up 0920-4037932
Titanic, The Grudge
mr. bean, mickey mouse and friends, america's funniest home videos, fear factor, now SEE this, masayang tanghali bayan, insiders, star in a million and asap.