Boys, OLD CARS! Choppers, Reading, Movies, snogging with boys, friends, randomness, WTF mate, jokes, laughter, arguments.....
Anyone who can handle a double does of WTF kind of thing. People who have the same interests, and think we're just the coolest cats around.
Wide range of music.. From Old Blue eyes, to Mindless Self Indulgence. We will name more later. Whoa, Stef, let's not forget The Faint. And while I'm at it, let's add Ace of know, just for the heck of it.
LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL! (What a great movie) The Hot Chick, Orgazmo, Finding Nemo
TV night consists of Monster House (Don't sweat the petty, pet the sweaty), Monster, monster monster garage, to be honest with you, I'd have to say American Choppers. We like myth busters occasionally and that one Japanese show that I can't remember the name of. That's a funny one.
Ummm....Taryn likes everything but one thing we've shared is Beloved. Stefie finished The God of Small Things so congrats to her. Now we share that one too. If you haven't read it, you should really check it out. It's amazing. It's be Arhundati Roy. (Forigive me if I've spelled that wrong, I'll have to check it later) Taryn is reading a book called Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister which is another thing you really should check out by Gregory Maguire. It's really interesting and will blow your mind away.
Jesse James, Orgazmo, Brian and his Jack friend (Stef thinks it's his alter ego. Never seen a picture of this Jack McCoy fellow...)